
Week 52 - November 10th

Surprising: My College "Event Planning" Professor
Destination: Muncie, IN
Content(s): Quote Swap!

Last year around this time, I went back to Ball State to "Share My Story" with an event planning class (that I took when I was in college). The same professor taught the class, and I sent him an email to say "Hello!" and see if he was in need of any guest speakers for the semester! When I took the class, he brought several guest speakers in that were in the event field -- and I found it extremely helpful networking with these speakers!

In fact, if I didn't go to the FCFN event class the day that Kimberly from Accent on Indianapolis spoke, I would not be where I am today. Because that experience allowed me to network with Kimberly, secure a part-time position with Accent on Indianapolis, which led me to network with another individual, who introduced me to the company where I work today. 

Before I spoke to his class, we met early to eat lunch at Johnny Carino's and catch up. We talked about a lot of things, but there's one thing in particular that stood out. 

He told me about a "Quote Book" project where he collected favorite quotes from his students, and made a book of them, to hand out at the end of the semester. I asked what his favorite quote was, and he told me:

"Will this matter 1 year from now?"
If the answer is "No", then why let it bother you right now?


This quote stuck with me. I often referred to it after that day. Especially the day my roommate accidentally caught my brand new, expensive Paula Dean frying pans on fire. I included my blog post "Don't Sweat the Burnt Stuff" about the frying pan story in his #52PickMeUp letter. 

I also decided I would share with him my favorite quote! Which is:

"Every day, do something that makes your heart sing."

In short, make time for me time! In the "event world" where the hours are long, it's super important to find that balance, and do something every day that makes you happy!



Week 51 - November 3rd

Surprising: My Instagram Inspiration + "If You Find This Letter..." Author
Destination: Atlanta, GA
Content(s): A Taco Pencil Pouch and Fiesta Card!

HB wrote a book. 
It's called, "If You Find This Letter..."
Feeling alone in the Big Apple, she began writing letters to stranger. 
With each letter she wrote, she not only brightened other people's days, but she made herself feel less lonely in the city that never sleeps. 

Her story completely fascinates me. 
Maybe it's the fact that her letters brought hope to complete strangers...
Maybe it's the fact that she promised a handwritten letter to anyone who asked for one...
Maybe it's the fact that more than 400 people requested letters...
Maybe it's the fact that she kept her promise back to every single person...
Maybe it's the fact that in a way, it reminded me of #52PickMeUp.

There's a magic about love letters that can't quite be explained. 
Bu one thing is for certain, if you're looking for your next book, look no further.
Pick up a copy of "If You Find This Letter..." today!

And HB, if you find this package...

...then it's for you. 



Week 50 - October 31st

Surprising: My Bro!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): "Date Night" Package

3 Things About My Brother:
1. He loves some popcorn. It's his "go to" snack.
2. When we were kids, my mom would find opened boxes of MacNCheese (noodles only), because he had taken the cheese sprinkle packages out to dump in his popcorn bowl. 
3. If he makes popcorn, a movie is likely to follow! 

So this packages is focused around that! 

Enclosed is what I call the "Date Night" package. 
-5 Red Box DVD codes for 1-Day rentals
-1 Bag of Popcorn with CHEESE sprinkles
-2 Popcorn Holders
-1 Box of Hot Chocolate + Mini Marshmallows 

(Because, last time I was home, I felt bad I kicked you and your girlfriend off the couch so I could go "night night." And I remember before you left to go and watch the movie at her house, you made sure you had Hot Chocolate! So here's another box for when you run out!) 

Enjoy!!! And let me know what good movies are out!



Week 49 - October 24th

Surprising: My Digital Publishing College Professor!
Destination: Muncie, IN
Content(s): A Photo from the Last Day of Class!

Have you ever thad those professors, that are genuinely there to help you, each step along the way? Look no further, because here he is! In this photo! 

He lives in Michigan...but commutes to Ball State to teach! And not only that, but he would be there in the classroom in the AM....and the lab in the PM (yes, after 5PM)....I'm not really sure when I didn't see him on-campus. 

The best part about his classes is that he applied everything we learned to the REAL world. We would take off-campus field trips, to see what we were learning in-action. From a label printing shop, to a t-shirt company, and the like. And then we would come back and implement these ideals. Making our very OWN packaging, t-shirts and more. 

For our final, instead of taking a "written test," we kept learning new things! We made STICKERS on the laser. I decided, since I would be graduating the following weekend, Grad Cap "Thank You" stickers were appropriate. 

It was a bittersweet moment. That last day of class. But one I will always, remember! 

Thanks for all you do for your students! It means the world, how selfless and caring you are. 



Week 48 - October 17th

Surprising: My Cousins!
Destination: Mason, OH
Content(s): A Halloween "Light Bright" Kit

My cousin is THE most creative individual on the planet! She crafts a LOT with her family, has been featured multiple times in Family Fun and even started her own little company called "Howsa Bout That" to share her ideas with the world! 

I especially LOVE following her family during Halloween, because all 4 of her girls ALWAYS create the most creative, interactive and fun costumes that I have ever seen! 

In the spirit of Halloween, I thought there's no better time than now to send them a craft kit. "Howsa Bout That" creates TONS of crafts with recycled products you can find cheaply, or around the home. And that's exactly what this "Halloween Light Bright Kit" includes!


-1 set of orange string lights
-20 KCups
-1 sharpie

1. Take sharpie and decorate the KCups with silly faces (Like a Jack-O-Lantern)
Tip: When DECORATING, MAKE SURE the open side of the KCup is down. 

2. Stick the hole of the KCup in each light bulb. 

3. Plug into an outlet, and walllllllah....
Ghosts by Day, Jack-O-Lanterns by Night!

P.S. Fun Fact: KCups are not recyclable, so this is the perfect way to "reuse" them!



Week 47 - October 10th

Surprising: My Instagram Inspiration, #FitByFirst coach and "Moment Maker" author!
Destination: Nashville, TN
Content(s): "Moment Maker" confetti + Card!

You know that question,
"Dead or Alive: What's one person you would have dinner with?"

While most people probably answer with a TV celebrity, professional athlete, past (or current) President, business leader, favorite singer, band crush, or the like....you won't find any of those names on my list. Not that I don't think it would be incredibly intriguing to have dinner with one of these peeps, but I don't want to meet someone JUST because they are "famous."

I want to meet people that I can relate to. People that have SIMILAR beliefs and morals. But people that have DIFFERENT stories. People who are innovators. People who see life through a different lens. People that I can learn a thing or two from. People who challenge me to think outside the box. People who are kind. People who do good. 

These people are the "celebrities" in my book. 

And @loswhit is that guy for me. 
He's my #FitByFirst coach. 
He taught me the trade of "Moment Making" through his book, "Moment Maker." 
He's where I gain a lot of inspiration from.
Through the pictures he takes, the words he writes and the moments he makes. 


I really only know him from behind a screen.
Behind his Instagram photos.
Behind his daily #FitByFirst videos.
Behind his SnapChat stories.
Behind his every page of Moment Maker. 


But he inspires me in ways that I can't really explain. 
He's encouraged me everyday for 3x months, to get my #FitByFirst on. 
He brings inspiration for my future Passion Projects, including the book I'm writing.
He's a world traveler...and since I'm on the road a lot...I find ourselves visiting the same places!
He's authentic. The world needs more authenticity. 

But let's face it: There's more to life than what's behind a screen.
There's an actual person on the other side on that screen. Hopefully, one day, my path with cross with @loswhit and we can have a Coffee Chat or do a #FitByFirst workout together! 

Until then, I sent him some "Moment Maker" confetti.
For the "next" moment waiting to be "created"... Or celebrated!



Week 46 - September 30th

Surprising: My Good Friend that lives Far Away! 
Destination: Council Bluffs, IA
Content(s): An owl piggy bank + a set of owl stickers!

My friend+Her Husband just moved their beautiful family to a new house, in a new state! She recently text me and told me she was thinking about redecorating her girl's bedroom...OWL THEMED! Which if you knew me, you'd know I have a SLIGHT owl obsession, so this made me super excited!

As she was sending me photos of the Owl decor, I knew I had an Owl piggy bank that would match her new bedroom PERFECTLY! So when I got home from my trip, I searched in boxes packed away in storage, for my pink piggy bank. It would soon have a new home, to a little girl who would get more use of it than me :) And on it's way, it goes! Can't wait to see photos of the Owl Room, "owl piggy bank" included! 

I also included 2 sets of Owl Stickers for the girls...because how couldn't I :) Fun for the whole family!



Week 45 - September 25th

Surprising: My Colts #1 Fan, Friend!
Destination: Fortville, IN
Content(s): Two Colts Koozies - 1 for Bottles, 1 for Cans!


'Tis the season!
It's Fall...which means it's Football season.

And there's no one who I know who is more enthusiastic about the Indianapolis Colts than this guy!

I wrote a little poem for him, is perfect for the contents in his package. It goes like this:

"No matter whether you drink,
Out of bottle or a can
One thing is for sure,
You're the Colts #1 Fan!"

Cheers to many Colts Victories, this season!



Week 44 - September 14th

Surprising: My MCM Gals
Destination: Muncie, IN
Content(s): "Thinking of You" Card + A Lunch Get-Together, soon!

The Muncie Children's Museum is where I completed my Special Events internship! You know how they say, you could have the best job in the world, but if you don't like the people you work with, your life would be miserable.

Well let me tell you...I had the coolest job, but I also double-dipped because I was able to work with some of the most genuine, fun, appreciative ladies at the MCM! I looked forward to going to my internship, every single day, because of these gals!

While there, we would oftentimes go to Casa del Sol downtown to grab Mexican for lunch. It was our thing. And I would LOVE to do it again, sooner rather than later! 

So SOON, very very soon, it's time to take a trip back to Muncie and catch up with my favorite friends over chips+salsa+tacos! 



Week 43 - September 12th

Surprising: My Little!
Destination: Muncie, IN
Content(s): A Package of Gold. 

You could say my little is like GOLD to me!
Hard to find, but worth millions. 

With me being out of college, while she's still at good 'ole BSU, living in my old house, not to mention, my old bedroom...We don't see each other as much as I'd like.

But, I wanted to let her know she's still my little gold nugget. And I'm so THANKFUL to have her in my life. Because when we DO see each other, it's like time never past. 

So here's my "Lil Package 'O Gold" for you: 

P.S. She's obsessed with squirrels, and I gave her a "pet" squirrel for her birthday, so the nuts are for that little guy! ;) 



Week 42 - September 4th

Surprising: My College Photo Professor
Destination: Ball State University - Muncie, IN
Content(s): A 3-in-1 Lens Kit for your Phone!

In college, one of my favorite classes was my Photo Class! I would say partly because of the subject, but even more because of the professor! He was always looking to stay up-to-date with the times, and had creative projects for us to complete. From our "Themed" photo assignments (Reflection, Texture, Portrait, BSU to You, and more). To planning our own Photo Exhibit. To using our cell phones to capture special moments during Spring Break. It was always something new, and fresh, and not to mention, FUN. 

One day, a student had brought him a set of lenses that could be used on an iPhone. He spent a short period of class showing us these baby lenses, how they fit on your phone and the results you could get! I thought it was SUPER cool. 

Well....recently, the "3-in-1 Phone Lens Kit" appeared on my Facebook Feed. These high-quality lens took wide angle, macro and fish eye photos! I knew it was a sign, that I should get them and send to my Photo Professor! My only hope is that he didn't buy his own set yet, and can get some good use out of them!

Here's to many, "AhhhSnaps!" moments to come in the future!
Happy Snapping!



Week 41 - August 30th

Surprising: My (Soon-to-Be a MRS.) 1801 Roomie!
Destination: Avon, IN
Content(s): A Day of Zip Lining Fun!

In less than ONE month, my college roommate is GETTING HITCHED TO MITCH! I wanted to do something special for her, to celebrate her big day! 

About a year ago, when I released my Blog, she read my #25By25 list and said we should go zip-lining together! We've talked about it, but haven't done it....YET! 

I thought what better time to take, "One LAST swing BEFORE the ring!"

So, the 1801 Roomies are going to take her on an adventure that will reach new heights! 
A day full of Zip Lining! 



Week 40 - August 20th

Surprising: My College Roomie!
Destination: West Chester, OH
Content(s): Vroom, Vrooooom!
A handmade "Steering Wheel" card, paired with a Gas Gift Card

It's been a hot second since I've chatted with my college roommate my freshman year, but I definitely thought I owed her a "Thank You." 

A little back story, we found each other on what I like to call the "Ball State Match.com", otherwise known as the BSU Roommate Finder! We had similar interests and profiles, including our hometown being in Ohio! We lived JUST a city apart from one another. 

Since I didn't bring my car on campus my freshman year, anytime she went home for the Holidays or just for the weekend, she would always offer to take me home, too. Many times, I would take her up on this offer. Some GREAT memories emerged from our Road Trips, to-and-from home. 

But there was one problem, and I didn't realize until a couple years down the road. I not once offered her any Gas $$$ for the miles she put on her Cobalt, her time she spent driving and her kindness!


So, while this doesn't quite cover the cost of ALL those trips, and I'm about 4 years late... I definitely wanted to show just how much I appreciated the rides home!

Thank you, so much!
It means more than you know :) 



Week 39 - August 16th

Surprising: My Brother, AKA: The Domino's "Regular"
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): A Domino's pizza box - Gift Card included! 

Last time I was home, my Mom and I ordered Domino's pizza. When I went to pick it up, I realized the "Noga" name is on the list of "regulars" at the restaurant. Especially one person in particular...my brother!

The pizza guy asked me if I was related to an "Alex Noga."
After I said, "Yes, he's my brother," he proceeded to recite his order to me. 
"A medium-pan pizza with bacon and pineapple."
Apparently, when the Domino's Team sees him pull into the parking lot in his white Ford Explorer, they begin tossing the crust for his "usual."

So...I knew this gift wouldn't go to waste! 
Next time he orders (or pulls into the parking lot), his pizza pie is on me!



Week 38 - August 5th

Surprising: Me, Myself and I
Destination: Indianapolis, IN
Content(s): A letter

"If I could write a letter, to me..."
I'd send it to myself, at my new apartment!

For 10 Days, I was living in Ohio while I was between homes. I was in a transition -- from living with a roommate, to living on my own. During this time, I got to thinking how different life would be, what lies ahead in the future, all that good stuff. 

Change can be scary.
The unknown is a little intimidating. 
But it's nothing we cannot handle! 

So, I wrote myself an encouraging letter for the NEXT time I move. 

I thought, what better time to mail myself a PIECE of mail. Since I wasn't living there yet! So, I sent it to my NEW address, so it would arrive when I did. My plan is to HIDE it, so when I feel like how I did during THIS move, I could pull out this letter to have a little "PickMeUp" to fall back on! 

I wanted to remind myself, "No matter where life takes you, you're right where you need to be." 



Week 37 - July 28th

Surprising: My Grandpa!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): A piggy bank and pair of helping hands!

Here's the thing about my Grandpa. He has quite a few collections. One of my favorite collections that he has is his Piggy Bank Collection! (Note: I'm so fascinated by his Piggy Bank/Cookie Jar collection, that in Journ 104, I wrote my Personality Profile on it! More than 200+ Piggy Banks and Cookies Jars. Wowzerz!)

Last week, I was shopping around and stumbled across the CUTEST, HANDMADE pig that I may have ever laid eyes on. It was made by a guy in Oregon. And although my Grandma has tried to get my Grandpa to cut back on the collecting, I knew this UNIQUE piggy just HAD to make the cut! (Sorry, Grandma!) :) 

Along with the pig...I wanted to do something special for Grandpa. I'd love to spend more time with my Grandparents, and I know one thing he has been talking about for awhile, is getting things ready for a yard sale. 

So in the Piggy Bank, I wrote several "I.O.U." slips. It reads: 

$ Good for... $
Ashley helping you clean out/sort/organize
...for the Yard Sale!
[Never Expires. Use more than once.]
I'll be home next week
And would be happy to come out then! :)

The funny thing is, the little slips, in a way, remind me of the Burma-Shave signs that line their driveway! Not only are they red, but there's just a few words on each, that makes you continue on until you read the whole sentence!

Now...I guess it's time we sell some stuff, to make room for the pig! ;)



Week 36 - July 23rd

Surprising: My former Hall Director
Destination: Joliet, IL
Content(s): A picture frame and doggy treats!

This lovely lady was my hall director my freshman year in college, my boss my sophomore year, but most importantly she's a mentor to me. And how thankful I am!

Recently, she became a Mama to a beautiful baby girl. Like I told her in the package I sent, I've been "Facebook Creeping" to stay up-to-date on her life! Last week, she had to go back to work, which meant she wouldn't be with the baby every moment of the day. I can't imagine how hard that must-be, so I sent her a frame full of photos of her baby! That way, she could always be with her :) 

And I couldn't forget the dogs! They received a box full of treats, too! 



Week 35 - July 18th

Surprising: My Cousins!
Destination: Seattle, WA
Content(s): A YouTube video and a pack of "Hubba Bubba" Bubble Tape!

Recently, I traveled to Seattle for work. When I found out that I was going, I immediately hopped on Facebook and sent a message to my cousin who lives out there! The last time I saw her was at her wedding, and since then, their family has doubled in size! So, "catching up" was definitely a must. 

When I got to town, not only did they pick me up from the Airport, but we went exploring in Seattle. They took me to Picnics Hotdogs before heading to Pike Place Market (Did you know that cream cheese on a hotdog is the Seattle "thing"?). On the way, we literally ran into the Pride Parade, so we joined in on the fun. Afterwards, we went to Kubota Garden and dinner at a yummy, yummy steakhouse. 

I discovered that the kids LOVE YouTube videos, and they may even be better at working YouTube than mommy and daddy. ;) So, instead of the "traditional card", I made a short "THANK YOU" YouTube video! 

Also inside the package, is a double pack of Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape. This was a treat I would get, when I was a little one (I may or may not have put the whole roll in my mouth at once. Kids, don't try that!).

But one of my favorite things we did in Seattle, was check out the infamous Gum Wall. There are thousands and thousands of pieces of chewed gum, lined down brick walls. The story goes, that the theatre made everyone who was chewing gum, get rid of it before they entered. Instead of throwing it away in the trash, onto the alley walls it went! The city has to clean the walls every so often, because there is that MUCH gum. Crazy! 

So Kenadee and Kam, next time you go, your gum is on me! 



Week 34 - July 10th

Surprising: Two "FitByFirsters"
Destination: Cheyenne, WY and Traverse City, MI
Content(s): #FitByFirst "Flashcards"

Last December, I joined a challenge called #FitByFirst. Back then, I thought it was just a way for me to shed a few pounds before ringing in the new year. But today, I can truly say it's so much more than that. It's MORE than just the weight. It's MORE than just the workouts. It's MORE than just an email. It's a fitness COMMUNITY that encourages you on the daily. And oh, what a feeling that is! 

This round, I was so moved by the group (we have a Facebook Group) that I offered to send a set of #FitByFirst flashcards, to any Fit By Firster that sent me their address. The flashcards would have all the WODS in one place, and it would be super easy to start back up again! A few people said they LOVED the idea, and would make the cards themselves. But I did have 2 people send me their addresses! So, I showed up in their mailbox, much like Carlos shows up in our Inboxes. Check out the finished product: 

A little backstory....FitByFirst is a challenge brainstormed by, the one and only, Carlos Whitaker. He's sends the FBF Crew an email each day (for one month), that contains workouts (WODs) and encouraging videos! Fit By First will now happen every season (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring).  You should join the next one! It starts in September 2015. Follow @loswhit on Instagram, and be on the lookout for details as it draws closer! 


Week 33 - June 30th

Surprising: My Girlfriends Back Home!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): A Yuengling Hat!

Last time I went back home, I was catching up with the girls! We were out having a couple drinks, when a BudLight Rep offered us some cool "gear." She was doing a huge promotion and we couldn't pass up FREE STUFF! Some of us got koozies, some of us got tshirts, and then there was the Yuengling Hat. 

Not everyone could have one, because there were only 2 Yuengling hats in the place. But everyone sure was obsessed with it! So, I decided, "Ashley...take that, wear it, tag it, and then pass it on!"

It would soon become the #SisterhoodOfTheYuenglingHat. Keeping 8 best friends connected, through 1 Yuengling Hat. 
