
Week 40 - August 20th

Surprising: My College Roomie!
Destination: West Chester, OH
Content(s): Vroom, Vrooooom!
A handmade "Steering Wheel" card, paired with a Gas Gift Card

It's been a hot second since I've chatted with my college roommate my freshman year, but I definitely thought I owed her a "Thank You." 

A little back story, we found each other on what I like to call the "Ball State Match.com", otherwise known as the BSU Roommate Finder! We had similar interests and profiles, including our hometown being in Ohio! We lived JUST a city apart from one another. 

Since I didn't bring my car on campus my freshman year, anytime she went home for the Holidays or just for the weekend, she would always offer to take me home, too. Many times, I would take her up on this offer. Some GREAT memories emerged from our Road Trips, to-and-from home. 

But there was one problem, and I didn't realize until a couple years down the road. I not once offered her any Gas $$$ for the miles she put on her Cobalt, her time she spent driving and her kindness!


So, while this doesn't quite cover the cost of ALL those trips, and I'm about 4 years late... I definitely wanted to show just how much I appreciated the rides home!

Thank you, so much!
It means more than you know :) 
