
Week 35 - July 18th

Surprising: My Cousins!
Destination: Seattle, WA
Content(s): A YouTube video and a pack of "Hubba Bubba" Bubble Tape!

Recently, I traveled to Seattle for work. When I found out that I was going, I immediately hopped on Facebook and sent a message to my cousin who lives out there! The last time I saw her was at her wedding, and since then, their family has doubled in size! So, "catching up" was definitely a must. 

When I got to town, not only did they pick me up from the Airport, but we went exploring in Seattle. They took me to Picnics Hotdogs before heading to Pike Place Market (Did you know that cream cheese on a hotdog is the Seattle "thing"?). On the way, we literally ran into the Pride Parade, so we joined in on the fun. Afterwards, we went to Kubota Garden and dinner at a yummy, yummy steakhouse. 

I discovered that the kids LOVE YouTube videos, and they may even be better at working YouTube than mommy and daddy. ;) So, instead of the "traditional card", I made a short "THANK YOU" YouTube video! 

Also inside the package, is a double pack of Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape. This was a treat I would get, when I was a little one (I may or may not have put the whole roll in my mouth at once. Kids, don't try that!).

But one of my favorite things we did in Seattle, was check out the infamous Gum Wall. There are thousands and thousands of pieces of chewed gum, lined down brick walls. The story goes, that the theatre made everyone who was chewing gum, get rid of it before they entered. Instead of throwing it away in the trash, onto the alley walls it went! The city has to clean the walls every so often, because there is that MUCH gum. Crazy! 

So Kenadee and Kam, next time you go, your gum is on me! 
