
Week 36 - July 23rd

Surprising: My former Hall Director
Destination: Joliet, IL
Content(s): A picture frame and doggy treats!

This lovely lady was my hall director my freshman year in college, my boss my sophomore year, but most importantly she's a mentor to me. And how thankful I am!

Recently, she became a Mama to a beautiful baby girl. Like I told her in the package I sent, I've been "Facebook Creeping" to stay up-to-date on her life! Last week, she had to go back to work, which meant she wouldn't be with the baby every moment of the day. I can't imagine how hard that must-be, so I sent her a frame full of photos of her baby! That way, she could always be with her :) 

And I couldn't forget the dogs! They received a box full of treats, too! 
