
Week 37 - July 28th

Surprising: My Grandpa!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): A piggy bank and pair of helping hands!

Here's the thing about my Grandpa. He has quite a few collections. One of my favorite collections that he has is his Piggy Bank Collection! (Note: I'm so fascinated by his Piggy Bank/Cookie Jar collection, that in Journ 104, I wrote my Personality Profile on it! More than 200+ Piggy Banks and Cookies Jars. Wowzerz!)

Last week, I was shopping around and stumbled across the CUTEST, HANDMADE pig that I may have ever laid eyes on. It was made by a guy in Oregon. And although my Grandma has tried to get my Grandpa to cut back on the collecting, I knew this UNIQUE piggy just HAD to make the cut! (Sorry, Grandma!) :) 

Along with the pig...I wanted to do something special for Grandpa. I'd love to spend more time with my Grandparents, and I know one thing he has been talking about for awhile, is getting things ready for a yard sale. 

So in the Piggy Bank, I wrote several "I.O.U." slips. It reads: 

$ Good for... $
Ashley helping you clean out/sort/organize
...for the Yard Sale!
[Never Expires. Use more than once.]
I'll be home next week
And would be happy to come out then! :)

The funny thing is, the little slips, in a way, remind me of the Burma-Shave signs that line their driveway! Not only are they red, but there's just a few words on each, that makes you continue on until you read the whole sentence!

Now...I guess it's time we sell some stuff, to make room for the pig! ;)
