
Week 32 - June 23th

Surprising: My BFF
Destination: South Bend, IN 
Content(s): A handcrafted Minion card, Minion USB Flash Drive and Minion peeps!

My best friend is mildly obsessed with those little, yellow tic-tac looking creatures....MINIONS! So, when I found a Minion USB Flash Drive when picking up a stack of photographs at Walgreens, I knew it would soon be hers! (1) She could use it at work (because let's be real, everyone needs a flash drive on the job) and (2) She'd think of me every time she used it ;) Haha

I also had a package of Minion peeps that I MEANT to give to her at Christmas. But, you know when you buy things and hide them, and find them way after the holiday? Yep, that's what happened to this package of Peeps. Not that she even likes peeps. But, we all know that they're better stale anyhow! So, now she can share them with a friend :) 

And next....the funniest part of this #PickMeUp package has to be the card! Not the card that she received. Because hands down, I'd say it was pretty freaking CUTE. But what she doesn't know is what the previous 2 attempts looks like. Drawing a minion is harder than one may think! Even after watching several YouTube videos. Check out my work of art(s) below! 

Love you MINIONS, girlfriend!



Week 31 - June 16th

Surprising: My Former Professor and Wonderful Mentor!
Destination: Muncie, IN 
Content(s): 5 plates! 

While at Ball State University, I took an immersive learning class. For those who don't know, immersive learning courses allow students to earn class credit by actively participating in projects off-campus and inside the community. In this particular project, myself and a team of 6 others were "Innovation Connector Ambassadors." We studied small business owners, and went on to develop an initiative called "L-INC" (Learn, Innovate, Network, Connect). It was GREAT being able to gain hands-on knowledge in the "Real World." 

And even better, was working with a professor that made such an influence on my college career. She not only led this immersive learning class, but became a mentor to me.

Recently, she has started her own business "ILUM" (I Love U More). At ILUM, she creates unique, handcrafted pieces that are absolutely GORGEOUS. Then, she sells her pieces on Etsy and at local craft shows. It's truly inspiring to see someone put their creative energy into what they love and turn it into something that impacts the lives of others. 

A week ago, I stumbled upon a Facebook post from her via ILUM saying that several pieces she created were damaged in bad weather at one of her storms. The post included photographs of what was destroyed. It then became my mission to go on a treasure hunt, to find similar plates to recreate her pieces!

So, I went to an Antique mall and the search began. This is what I found! 

Sometimes, bad things happen so better things can come along! 



Week 29 - June 6th

Surprising: My photo friend!
Destination: Yorktown, IN
Content(s): A camera "clothesline" to hang photos from!

This gal is a FABULOUS photographer! Her and I took a couple photo classes in college, and her photographs were INCREDIBLE. And they still are!

The past week, I've been following her "DC/Philly" Road Trip. Adventures are my jam, and I especially love it when I can follow trips of others. It just makes my day, seeing people explore, trying new things and having the time of their lives. 

So yes, I've been Facebook creeping. And following her road trip! Washington DC is a place I REALLY want to go to. And I've been traveling to Philly for work! So I want to know all the DETAILS about this trip :) From the food, the room and the fun! 

When I saw this camera clotheslines, I knew I had to get it! That way, photos from the trip can be hung and memories can be remembered forever! 



Week 30 - June 11th

Surprising: My Aunt!
Destination: Longboat Key, FL 
Content(s): 3 blank canvases, and a Congrats message!

My Aunt is an artist. She creates BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL pieces of artwork.

Recently, I came across a post on Facebook where she won a People's Choice Award for a painting she created. It's simply stunning. Check it out to the right! 

I think it's super important that we celebrate the accomplishments of others! So I sent her a little package to say "CONGRATULATIONS!" Inside the package were a couple blank canvases, so she can continue doing what she loves. Painting! 



Week 28 - May 28th

Surprising: My "beary" special, Grandma!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): A handmade, bear-hug card!

I've known for awhile that I wanted to send a special #PickMeUp to my Grandparents. I just wasn't quite sure I wanted to do. And then one day, I was talking to someone and they said, "One day, you'll HAVE to tell that story to tell your grandkids!"

It got me thinking about the stories my grandparent have told us kids. Oh, they have been some of the bests! Yet, I'm still hungry for more.


So, I asked my Grandma to be my pen pal. I made a promise to her, that for every letter she sends me, I will write back to her. But there would be a little twist! I would include a question for her to answer back. That way, I could learn more about my Grandma+Grandpa and hold onto these memories forever. And we could chat all the time!

Grandma, I especially made the card a bear just for YOU because I know how you love your bears! Let Grandpa know he'll get a special note here soon! 



Week 27 - May 21st

Surprising: My man!
Destination: Fairfield, OH
Content(s): The baseball "essentials" (seeds, gum, gatorade, candy frogs, Cracker Jack, hotdog cutter - Haha) and 12 baseball eggs, each containing a piece of a "scout-inspired" rap! 

Next weekend, my boyfriend starts his first weekend of summer baseball for 2015. If there's one thing I know about him, it's that he is passionate about baseball and his Flames family.

He's incredibly dedicated to the 2016 Cincy Flames. Whether it's watching motivating coaching videos and taking notes down, learning Adobe Photoshop to create BALLER graphics of his team, reading books on baseball, buying sweet new gear for his players, communicating with college coaches across the country about his kids' skills+talents, updating his team's social media accounts, creating a 2016 Flames website, filming and editing videos of kids, devising practice plans, lineups, and more! It shows. His love for his team truly shows. 

He is 100% committed to make sure all of his players are given the resources to be recruited and play in college. Five kids already have committed to play at Universities, including Wright State, Xavier, Virginia and Notre Dame. But there are still 12 kids who still need to be recruited!

So, Coach...this "rap" (because raps are our 'thing') is for you: 

Scouts, get ready!
Because summer baseball is back
And the Cincy Flames 17U team
Is completely stacked!

Five players have already committed
To schools across the states
Notre Dame, Wright State, Xavier and Virginia
Have recruited 5 players who are great!

But there are still 12 kids
Who are looking to commit
Come check them out
Because they are legit

You won’t be disappointed
When you see their skills
Their dedication and effort
Will give you the chills

One thing is for certain
The Flames are here to play ball
They are passionate about the game
And will give it their all

We will see you at the field
At our games in the coming weeks
If you forget where we’re playing
Check out the Flame’s tweets

You can also see the team site
At Cincyflames2016 dot com
You’ll see player’s videos and blog posts
That are the bomb

But the diamond is where
The real action is at
Just wait until you see
Us swing the bat

Our pitchers are throwing
Faster than before
You will definitely want them
On your team for sure

If you need the inside scoop
Talk to Coach Rice
He’s your go-to-man
And will give you advice

But the most important thing
Is to recruit them while you can
Don’t wait too long
Or they will be committed to someone else’s clan

Summer of 2015
Will be one for the books
Let’s get this show started
So come on, take a look!

This season is going to be awesome! Best of luck, Coach! 
Love, Your Team Mom!



Week 26 - May 15th

Surprising: My boss and his wife, AKA my Indy Mom!
Destination: Indianapolis, IN
Content(s): A "Chill Out" personal fan, Patron keychain and pineapple juice! 

Summer is right around the corner....which means it's about to get HOT!

If anyone knows Qtego, they'd know that the company "drink" is Patron + Pineapple. So it was only appropriate for me to send a Patron keychain with several cans of pineapple juice to the co-founder. Time to "cool down" with some refreshing beverages! 

And speaking of "cooling down," I gave his wife (AKA my "Indy Mom) a "Chill out" fan! She always tells me she's hot when she works up in the front of the building. So it was only appropriate to get her, her own fan! 

Cheers and Chills, to some of my favorite people in Indy! 



Week 25 - May 6th

Surprising: My personal trainer!
Destination: Indianapolis, IN
Content(s): Indy Cityscape Handmade Card, 26.2 magnet, Gu and Energy Blocks!

My trainer has a goal of running 26 miles for his 26th birthday this year, his first full marathon! When I was training for my half, he encouraged me all along the way! Now it's my turn to tell him to "run" after his dreams and make it happen! Included in his package is a handcrafted Indy skyline cityscape with 26 candles. One to blow out for each mile he accomplishes! 

Here's to the Momental Marathon! You got this! 



Week 24 - May 2nd

Surprising: My first, ever friend at Ball State!
Destination: Muncie, IN
Content(s): Pitch Perfect movie poster, slap bracelet and tickets to the pre-showing of the sequel! 

When your first ever friend at Ball State graduates, the moment is bittersweet. You begin to think of all the memories you've had at your Alma Mater. When you move to a new place where you do not know a single soul, it can be a little scary. But when you find a friend that makes you come alive, you begin to realize you're right where you belong. 

Mister "Jalapeño On a Stick", thanks for being you. Thanks for all of the adventures. Thanks for embracing who I am. Thanks for chirping with me at BSU football games. Thanks for the late night hangouts, where we were up until sunrise. Thanks for the endless Long Island pitchers at Dill Street, my hands were never empty. Thanks for staying awake with me during study sessions at Bracken. Thanks for keeping me calm when the cops showed up. Thanks for being there, for it all. The good times and the bad. I couldn't ask for a better friend, than you. 

Since I know Pitch Perfect is your absolute favorite (since you stole my DVD and I didn't get it back for about 2 years), we are going to see Pitch Slapped! 2 days before it comes out! Slap that bracelet on your hand and horizontal run to the movie theatre! Cause baby, the memories aren't over yet! 



Week 23 - April 26th

Surprising: My inspiring "Instagram" friend 
Destination: Durham, NC
Content(s): 3 - cute, tree-painted magnets and a love note!

I'm not sure when it happened, or why it happened, but somehow I started following this lovely lady on Instagram. And it changed my life. Her encouraging posts, positive words, and kindness to others makes my heart beat faster. I purposely go to the IG search bar and type in her handle, so I can catch up on anything I've missed in my feed. 

Back in October, I emailed her on a whim to see if she'd like to grab a "sweet tea, on me." I was traveling in her area, and decided it was time to separate "FaceTime" from "face-to-face time." (One of her posts actually gave me the courage to reach out to her. It read: "Sometimes, all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and something great will come out of it.")

So, I emailed her. And we met! We swapped stories. And she taught me more in those 3 hours at The Carolina Inn than I could have ever learned from an Instagram account. So, CG, this one's for you! 

Enclosed is a thank you note, for encouraging and inspiring me. Every. Single Day. But it also serves as a wish list, for you. Above all, my wish for you is to do something that makes your heart sing. Always choose joy. And continue to chase the adventure. Every. Single. Day. 



Week 22 - April 12th

Surprising: A coach, a teacher, a mentor and a friend who has supported me from the get-go!
Destination: Cincinnati, OH
Content(s): 13.1 pig magnet and a "You're Doing a Freaking Great Job!" note! 

Life has a funny way of bringing you back to people you haven't seen in awhile! This lady, this lady right here. She's one of my favorites. 

It all began on the volleyball court, where she coached me in high school. And then our relationship blossomed into so much more. From becoming her teacher aide, classroom field trips, volunteering with Special Olympics, Polar Plunges and her yearly visits to Ball State for Greek's + Volleyball. We can always pick up right where we left off. 

And in just a few weeks, that's exactly what we'll be doing! We will be running the Flying Pig Half Marathon together. So in this package, there's a special pig magnet that says "13.1" because we're "Only Half Crazy!" There's also a note of encouragement, because when you're training for a half, you need all the encouragement you can get :) 

Let's do this! When pigs fly...



Week 21 - April 7th

Surprising: My BFF from High School! 
Destination: Roanoke, VA
Content(s): Polar Bear "ice cream" and a "House Warming" card!


A couple of months ago, a good friend of mine took a leap of faith! She packed her bags and headed to Virginia for a nursing job. 

New home = New address. It was a MUST to drop a little love in her mailbox. 

Her all-time favorite animal is a polar bear. Like, mildly obsessed. No judging at all, only embracing the fact! So I sent her a "sweet treat" to celebrate her recent successes!

The world is yours, girlfriend! Keep climbing mountains (literally), and follow your dreams. 




Week 20 - March 31th 

Surprising: My Dad!
Destination: Lexington, KY
Content(s): A Thank You Note!

I wanted to send a little shout out to my Dad, for supporting me with my blog and projects! Recently, he sent me an address stamper and I couldn't be MORE THRILLED. As I'm preparing for my next "Passion Project," this is going to be mighty handy.  

From time to time, he'll check out my blog and let me know any suggestions or edits I can make. One thing I've learned over the years, is that we learn best from others. Constructive criticism is something I think we all need, as it allows us to improve ourselves. So thanks, Dad, for all your support! 

As a Thank You, I wanted to send him the first card where I used my new address stamper! Here's to more self-stamped envelopes, to be sent very soon! 



Week 19 - March 27th 

Surprising: My SUPER, cool high-school science teacher!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): A Superman postcard, Superman hat, Superman magnet, Superman pencils, Kryptonite Rock Candy....all from Metropolis! 

Last week, I was in Paducah, KY, and when you cross the Ohio River you end up in Metropolis, IL - The HOME of Superman! Knowing that there was a 15-foot Superman at this exit, I just HAD to stop! 

And when I did....I immediately thought of my high school science teacher! Superman is her jam! And Metropolis had EVERYTHING Superman! A Superman Statue, a Superman Museum filled with more than 20,000 artifacts, Superman and Superwoman cutouts (these things are ALL over the city....by the Museum, the gas stations, the Rest Area. Like I said, ALL over...) And I can't forget the Superman Gift Shop! 

Knowing that my former teacher already has a Superman collection with TONS of super neat "Stuff," I knew I had to get something to add to it that she may not already have! I also sent her a post card, letting her know that if she has NOT been here yet, it's a Road Trip that must be had! 

Next Stop....Metropolis, IL!
5.5 hours from Hamilton. 4.5 hours with the time change! 



Week 18 - March 20th 

Surprising: My BFF from high school, her precious son and Soon-To-Be husband!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): Dinner + Movie, and a night of babysitting!

So proud of my best friend, for the mom she is. I know she works incredibly hard to give her son everything he deserves and more! She's also recently engaged to an amazing man, so I wanted to say "Congratulations" and treat her and her soon-to-be husband to dinner and a movie! On one condition, I come home to babysit for the night! Love your little family! 



Week 17 - March 13th 

Surprising: My boss and his wife!
Destination: Zionsville, IN
Content(s): A list of the "Top 10 Things to do at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter" and a Dumblebore wand!

Last Sunday, my boss, his wife and I had planned to take a trip to Universal Studios and explore Harry Potter World. We were already working a couple of events in Florida that week, and had a FREE day on Sunday, so that meant we just HAD to go to Universal.

However, sometimes you can have everything planned out and then the unexpected happens. They weren't able to make it to Florida that week. But being the adventure seeker I am, I decided to go ahead and explore the park! 

While I was there, I was texting them, wishing they were there to see all the magic that the Wizarding World of Harry Potter had inside! They sent me a message back saying, 

I heard it was absolutely magical!!! We HAVE to go again!!! Check it out so you can steer us to the best of the best.

So I did just that! I came up with a list of the "Top 10 Things to do at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter," so next time we go, we know what we DEFINITELY HAVE to check out! Here's the list I came up with: 

1. Drink a Butter Beer! (The frozen one is DELICIOUS!)  

2. Trade your Muggle Money in for Gringots Bank Notes, that you can use as real money in the park!
3. Pass through Platform 9 3/4 to catch the Hogwarts Express, to and from Hogsmade/Diagon Alley. 
4. Get a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans at HoneyDuke's!
5. Eat lunch at "The Leaky Cauldron" OR "The Three Broomsticks."
6. Wait and watch as the dragon atop of Gringot's rumbles and breathes fire! 
7. Put your belongings in a finger touch locker before you take a ride on "The Escape from Gringots."
8. Use the "Public Conveniences," AKA the bathrooms! You may even hear Moaning Mytrtle while you're in there. 
9. Check out the Knight Bus and chat with the conductor. 
10. Use your interactive wand to cast spells.... "Expecto Patron Rum." ;)

I also swung by Ollivander's and picked the perfect wand for them! The week before, we were in the office and talking about wands and my boss was asking me what wand we should get. He said, EVERYONE would get Harry Potter so he was thinking about Hermione or Dumbledore. So, I got him Dumbledore's wand. But this isn't ANY wand...it's an INTERACTIVE wand where you can cast more than 29 spells at various locations in Hogsmade and Diagon Alley. This is just another reason why....WE MUST RETURN!


Until next time....



Week 16 - March 4th 

Surprising: My roommate who got me hooked on coffee!
Destination: Fort Wayne, IN
Content(s): Coffee essentials and a Panera Gift Card!


About 2 years ago was a monumental day in my life. It was the day I became hooked on coffee. My college friends were going on a weekend road trip SUPER early in the AM and my roommate made a huge pot of coffee for all of us to share. 


Since that day, coffee is my new cup of tea. And I wanted to thank this chick for having me try something new! I sent her a package filled with coffee essentials (coffee, coffee filters, Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer - her favorite, and a brand new travel coffee mug). And a Panera gift card (also her favorite) to treat herself!




Week 15 - February 25th

Surprising: My Moment Making friend!
Destination: Oxford, OH
Content(s): "Moment Maker" Book

There's certain people in my life that inspire the heck outta me. And the person I sent #PickMeUp15 to is of them! He looks at life differently than most people. Always taking it one day at a time. Always making the most out of every single day. Always with a smile on! 

I was reading "Moment Maker" -- written by Carlos Whitaker (if you don't follow him on Instagram [@LosWhit] or Snapchat [@Whittakrew], you should.) When I was reading this book, I was again reminded of something very important, "You can live your life, or it can live you." 

I knew I had to pass this book on to my buddy, who I thought this would be right up his alley. He is a Moment Maker and he probably doesn't even realize it...yet :) 

My favorite paragraph of the book (though there's so many), goes like this:

God put us here to learn how to love each other and learn how to love him. That comes through living on purpose and with purpose. That comes from connecting, learning, loving, giving, losing, failing, and recovering. That comes from creating, giving, receiving and rescuing. All of that is Moment Making.

Here's to #CreatingMoreMoments, #ReceivingMoreMoments and #RescuingMoreMoments. And here's to relating your stories to the Greatest Moment Maker of All Time. 



Week 14 - February 18th

Surprising: College roomie!
Destination: Tamarac, FL
Content(s):  Dr. Seuss onesie and three Dr. Seuss books!




Remember back in the day when we were kids and celebrated National Read Across America Day? AKA Dr. Seuss Day!  

One of my favorite people accepted a teaching job in Florida! She always comes up with the cutest ideas for her class. So I sent her a "Dr. Seuss Day Kit" just in time for March 2nd. This included some of my favorite Dr. Seuss books. I also had this super fun Dr. Seuss onesie in my closet and know if there's anyone crazy enough to wear it to school, it's her! Hopefully it will fit teacher dress code :) 

Here's to the children you inspire and the memories you create! Keep making me proud!



Week 13 - February 9th

Surprising: My Mama! 
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s):  "Smooch" Socks and a Thank You note!

23 years ago, my mom gave birth to me! And I think she deserves some PRAISE. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here today. If it wasn't for her, I surely would't be 1/2 the person I am today. 

One thing I want her to know, is no matter where I'm at in this world, I will never forget where I came from. 

(Also, Snoopy socks because "The Peanuts" are her favorite! Smooch from me, to you, ma!) 
