
Week 12 - February 2nd

Surprising: An old friend!
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s):  "The Happiness Project" Book

A few months ago, I received a Facebook message from a long, lost friend. We chatted for awhile and one thing she said to me was this:

"I love that you're putting such a huge focus on yourself! I need to start doing the same! I feel like that's a huge part of becoming happy; being happy with, and being able to love, yourself."

I told her a few things that I've learned lately that let me to where I am today. One thing I didn't share with her, was where I learned a good deal of these things! Because I KNEW I wanted to send her this book! This book changed my life, and I hope she gets something out of it, too!




Week 11 - January 26th 

Surprising: My Sister! 
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s):  Spanx, a Reds Shirt, and a scratched, $2 winning Ohio lottery ticket, beads for jewelry and a note!

We ALWAYS wore each others clothes when we were younger. I borrowed a pair of spandex from her FOREVER ago, so I thought it was time to return them back to her arms. Or shall I say legs! 

We had the TIME OF OUR LIFE going to a Reds Game and spending a total of $6 one summer. $2 for parking and $4 for 2 (dollar) hotdogs and 2 (dollar) drinks. (We scored FREE tickets!) I sent her a Reds shirt, because I think GABP is calling our names again!

$2 WINNING Lottery ticket from years ago....Because (As of last week), I'm not longer an Ohio Buckeye. If anyone's going to cash that baby in (hopefully it still CAN be cashed in), it's going to be my LUCKY sister!

Last time I was home, I discovered she had bought supplies to start making her own jewelry. I found these beads in my closet, and knew she needed them to add to her bead collection! I'm ALL about supporting the passion projects of my loved ones!

A "catch up" note. Because after all, when you move away from the home you grew up with, you miss out a lot of everyday moments of your family's lives. I miss our late night chats from our bunk beds. I miss riding our bikes together to Snow Palace and back. I miss our silly arguments. I miss playing sports together. I miss drinking pickle juice from the jar. But above all, I miss you. 



Week 10 - January 24th 

Surprising: My Big! 
Destination: Houston, TX
Content(s):  School Supplies, Bicycle Boxers and a Handmade "You Can Do it" Colored Pencil Quote Frame. 

She's a teacher!
I had a plethora of school supplies that I don't use anymore. 
She's now a teacher with a plethora of school supplies that I don't use anymore! 

She loves bicycles! 
I had bicycle Boxers and a "Like is like riding a bicycle" quote. 
She's now "riding" in style! 

We're both quote people! 
She text me asking for a quote to keep her going. 
I made her a unique frame, with hidden meaning behind it. 

"Notice the colored pencils on the frame. 
They are all different. 
Different colors. 
Different brands. 
Some are sharp.
Some are dull. 
Some are round.
Some are square. 

The pencils are your kids. 
You are the pencil sharpener. 

Sometimes, it takes more than one twist/turn to sharpen a pencil.
But eventually, you get the pencil to write. 

Keep twisting. 
Keep turning. 
Because listen to me, 
'You ARE eminently qualified to do this!'
I believe in you."



Week 9 - January 13th 

Surprising: Queen E
Destination: Crown Pointe, IN
Content(s): "Thank you" card and a $50 gas gift card!

Two weeks ago, I took the road trip OF MY LIFE out West. I went with my best friend on what we like to call, the "Route 66 Road Trip." But the trip would not have been possible without a reliable car! 

My friend's mom let us borrow her Ford Escape. We took very good care of the Queen's baby, and showed her the country. However, we did put quite a few thousand miles on her vehicle. I just wanted to say "Thanks" to her for supporting us on our trip. And trusting us with her car!

So, the next time the Ford is thirsty, her drink is on me! Gulp up at the gas station! 



Week 8 - January 8th 

Surprising: An ESA sister!
Destination: Muncie, IN
Content(s): ESA Packages of Goodies!
(ESA sweatshirt, paddle, rubber duckies, fanny "quack" pack, ESA mirrors, buttons, stickers, ESA tote bag and more!)

The new year meant it was time to do a little clutter cleaning! So last week, I tore my bedroom apart, and went through every single shelf/box/container/bin I had. I found SO MANY goodies that at one time, I TREASURED. But since being out of college, there were many things that I didn't use anymore. Especially some of my sorority stuff. 

So, I took a picture of a couple items. The photo included a blank paddle, an ESA fanny pack and a tote bag. And I posted the following message on Facebook, "Hey ESA! The first person to message me their campus/home address, will get a package with these goodies inside! From my closet to yours. #ESAlove"

It wasn't long before I got a Ball State address! I found several other treasures to put in this "ESA Package of Goodies." And before long, the box was off on it's way to good 'ole Muncie, Indiana! 

In this Pick Me Up package, I left a note that said, "Enjoy your "QUACK-TASTIC" ESA Package of Goodies! Just promise me 1 thing: You'll use what's inside more than I did! [AKA: Sitting inside my closet.] When you find that you don't use these items as much as you used to (probably after college), surprise a sister and send her a package, much like I did you." 



Week 7 - January 1st 

Surprising: My roomie!
Destination: Indianapolis, IN
Content(s): 5 postcards from Route 66!

Back when I first started this project, my roommate made the comment "Ah! I'm not going to be able to be a part of it, because I live with you." So when I went on the #Route66RoadTrip, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to send her some love. While I was out on the road, I collected several post cards from the various stops we made. From the Blue Whale of Catoosa, the Route 66 Museum, the Big Texan Steak House and the Wigwam Motel, she was able to catch a closer glimpse of the trip! I even included some fun facts on the back, so she felt like she was right on the road with us. I sure wished she was, but this seemed like the second best thing! 



Week 6 - December 26th 

Surprising: My BFF's grandparents!
Destination: Crown Point, IN
Content(s): 3 photos of their Lake House!

4th of July weekend this year, I took a trip that I would never forget! A trip to Bass Lake. My best friend's grandparents have a cute, little house right on the lake. And they welcomed us into their lake house with open arms, even after a terrible storm hit just days prior. 

One of the first thing Gramps did when he was giving me a tour of the house, was pull out an OLD photograph of their house. He pointed out how much the house has changed since that photo was taken. It was super neat to see the differences! 

So, I had an idea! I thought to myself, "Ashley - You should take a current photo of the house, that Gramps and Grams can put with the original one, so they can see how things have changed over the years. How cool would that be?!"

Almost 6 months later, they are getting those photos that I took the weekend of the 4th! The fun part, is that Grams and Gramps are actually in one of the photos sitting in their chairs on the porch. Instead of Christmas in July, I guess you could say this is July in Christmas! 



Week 5 - December 20th 

Surprising: Co-Worker! 
Destination: McAdenville, NC
Content(s): 2 handmade "Paperback Book Christmas Trees," (my favorite) holiday movie "The Holiday," and a handmade Christmas Tree ornament!


A few months ago, I was in North Carolina working an event. We have a Qtego team down there, and one of our supervisors is one of the COOLEST people ever. We really connect! And the one thing we probably connect most on is our craft projects and love for Christmas!

She lives in McAdenville, otherwise known as Christmas Town, USA! How cool is that?! They even have specific guidelines for how you can/cannot decorate your house...craziness, eh?!

When she was in Indy for training, we were joking around that I needed to come to her city and help her decorate for the holidays. Well..I wasn't able to take the trip, but I was able to help her decorate.

I sent her 3 Christmas trees! 2 made from paperback books, and one made from garland. In the coming year(s)
, I am MAKING the trip to McAdencille to see this spectacular, festive town. But for now, this little surprise will have to do! 



Week 4 - December 15th 

Surprising: "3FitPiggies" - Half Marathon Training Team 
Destination: Hamilton, OH
Content(s): (2) 13.1 Marathon "Only Half Crazy" ornaments, (2 sets of) 20 Weeks of Cards that Include Motivational Quotes/Health Tips! 

One item on my "#25By25" list is to run a 1/2 Marathon, and about a month ago one of my best friends from back home reached out to me and said, "Ashley! Let's do it! Let's run a half." 

So, in 29 days, we put together a training schedule, chose a Half Marathon (Hello, Flying Pig!) and requested off work. Because on May 3rd, we will be running in Cincinnati's Flying Pig Half Marathon. 

With a big goal like this, lots of motivation will be needed. So I sent our team an ornament the first week of training, to remind them that we are only 1/2 crazy for doing this ;) The package also included motivational quotes and fitness/health tips for the 20 week journey! Each week has a different letter to provide some encouragement. Oh, and I can't forget, a color coded training 20-week schedule! 

We've formed a texting group, which holds us accountable for our workouts. Because we are doing this! We are going to make it happen! Even though I'm in Indy and they are 100+ miles away, we are in this together. 



Week 3 - December 5th 

Surprising: ESA Sister 
Destination: Valparasio, IN
Content(s): "Every Day Counts" Quote Book

This past summer, I went to Ikea and I fell in love with.....a book! Did you even know they sold books at Ikea? They sure do! They're what I like to call "coffee table books." It was seriously perfect timing because it gave me simple reminders to slow down and enjoy life, each and every day. 

I began posting the quotes from the "Every Day Counts" book on Instagram, and one of my sisters reached out to me and said she needed to get her hand on these quotes. She wanted to hang them in her house! So, I packed the book in a bubble wrapped envelope and sent it her way!

In her surprise package, I included 7 stamped post cards and challenged her to write each of the daily quotes (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.) inside, and then send them to people she loves!

You can do it, too! Remind the world to SLOW DOWN and make the most of everyday. 



Week 2 - November 28th 

Surprising: Former Hall Director 
Destination: Allendale, MI
Content(s): French Bull Dog Inspired Package!

The mission of Facebook is to "give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected." Without Facebook, it would be nearly impossible to stay up-to-date, on the lives of the people we know and love, each and everyday. 

Which brings me to my next point: 
If social media didn't exist, I would have NO idea how adorably obsessed my former hall director (and his wife) are with their French Bull Dog, Sophia Rose. So when I saw this French Bull Dog phone case, I knew it would soon have a new home.

The ironic thing is, I haven't had an actual conversation with this person in probably close to two years. So that's why it was time to reach out and say a warm, hello! There's a WHOLE world outside of the Internet, but the tidbits of knowledge we pick up on social media. The little glimpse that we catch. That gives us enough to stay in the loop of what's going on with our family and friends. It's JUST enough that we know the big picture of what's happening, but when we write and ask "How are you REALLY doing?", we're able to learn the details of life and feel more connected than ever. 



Week 1 - November 19th 

Surprising: College Friend/Former Colleague 
Destination: Fort Wayne, IN
Content(s): 9 collared, button-down shirts! 

A few months ago, I donated two large bags full of clothes to a local shelter. However, I held onto a few items that were originally in my "get rid of" pile. When I worked at a photography studio last year, our "dress code" was dress pants and collared, button-down shirts. Six months after "retiring" from the position, I realized I had a closet full of these shirts that I hadn't worn since February. While I could have donated them with my baskets of goodies, I remembered, one of my good friends still works for the company! And multiple times, she's told me she wants my closet. I told her she could have it, only now, I was going to make that actually happen. I shipped her some of my old shirts!

She gets "new to her" clothes that she can wear to work, especially as the holiday blackout season gets underway. And I get to clean out my closet, a little! 



There are three simple steps:

1. Send a surprise to someone in the mail.
2. Continue this project every week, for 52 weeks, totaling 1 year.
3. Make each letter/package as unique as the person you're it sending to. 

#52PickMeUp is a “passion project” designed to “love more” and “love better.

How did you dream up this idea?

One day, I was browsing through the 25,000+ photos on my computer and came to a realization. I have met SO many people in my life who have influenced me. I've formed these relationships, and have been impacted for the better.

However, somewhere along the way, "life happens." It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, and before you know it, years come and go. It's almost like some of these people get "left in the past." This project is my way of reconnecting with the people I know and love, putting smiles on their faces and sharing "catch up" stories with one another. Plus, who doesn't like getting mail? 


Why is it called "#52PickMeUp"?

#52PickMeUp is a name that was brainstormed at 1AM on a September night. My mind was telling me, "Ashley, go to bed" but my body wasn't listening. So as I lay awake, it dawned on me. "52" for the number of weeks the project would continue for. "PickMeUp" to convey what the passion project is about. For 52 weeks, I would be "picking people up" with little surprises, right at their doorsteps. Thus, #52PickMeUp was born. It's amazing, when you stop looking for things, they somehow have a way of knocking at your door. 


What is "loving more"?

"Loving more" is a concept of reaching out to MORE people. It focuses on quantity -- all about the numbers. In my quest to determine how many people I should reach out to, 52 seemed like an appropriate number. At least for this year! 


What is "loving better"?

"Loving better" means to love in a way that people respond to. Each and every person in this world is different and unique. This project allows you to look at your loved ones, and recognize what will "brighten their day." When sending a letter/package, it should have a special meaning to that individual. Whether it's reminiscing on a memory from the past, writing a special note to tell them how amazing they are, or perhaps even surprising them with small gift -- it will be the perfect way to make them smile!


Can I start my own #52PickMeUp "passion project"?

Of course! If you were inspired by the "PickMeUp" you received, or simply fall in love with this passion project, go for it! Please use the hashtag "#52PickMeUp" if posting to social media, so we can follow YOUR passion project and see all of the people you are loving on! 


"#52PickMeUp is a "passion project" designed to "love more" and "love better."

There are three simple steps:

1. Send a surprise to someone in the mail.

2. Continue this project every week, for 52 weeks, totaling 1 year.

3. Make each letter/package as unique as the person you're it sending to. 

How did you dream up this idea?

One day, I was browsing through the 25,000+ photos on my computer and came to a realization. I have met SO many people in my life who have influenced me. I've formed these relationships, and have been impacted for the better.

However, somewhere along the way, "life happens." It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, and before you know it, years come and go. It's almost like some of these people get "left in the past." This project is my way of reconnecting with the people I know and love, putting smiles on their faces and sharing "catch up" stories with one another. Plus, who doesn't like getting mail? 


Why is it called "#52PickMeUp"?

#52PickMeUp is a name that was brainstormed at 1AM on a September night. My mind was telling me, "Ashley, go to bed" but my body wasn't listening. So as I lay awake, it dawned on me. "52" for the number of weeks the project would continue for. "PickMeUp" to convey what the passion project is about. For 52 weeks, I would be "picking people up" with little surprises, right at their doorsteps. Thus, #52PickMeUp was born. It's amazing, when you stop looking for things, they somehow have a way of knocking at your door. 


What is "loving more"?

"Loving more" is a concept of reaching out to MORE people. It focuses on quantity -- all about the numbers. In my quest to determine how many people I should reach out to, 52 seemed like an appropriate number. At least for this year! 


What is "loving better"?

"Loving better" means to love in a way that people respond to. Each and every person in this world is different and unique. This project allows you to look at your loved ones, and recognize what will "brighten their day." When sending a letter/package, it should have a special meaning to that individual. Whether it's reminiscing on a memory from the past, writing a special note to tell them how amazing they are, or perhaps even surprising them with small gift -- it will be the perfect way to make them smile!


Can I start my own #52PickMeUp "passion project"?

Of course! If you were inspired by the "PickMeUp" you received, or simply fall in love with this passion project, go for it! Please use the hashtag "#52PickMeUp" if posting to social media, so we can follow YOUR passion project and see all of the people you are loving on!