
Week 10 - January 24th 

Surprising: My Big! 
Destination: Houston, TX
Content(s):  School Supplies, Bicycle Boxers and a Handmade "You Can Do it" Colored Pencil Quote Frame. 

She's a teacher!
I had a plethora of school supplies that I don't use anymore. 
She's now a teacher with a plethora of school supplies that I don't use anymore! 

She loves bicycles! 
I had bicycle Boxers and a "Like is like riding a bicycle" quote. 
She's now "riding" in style! 

We're both quote people! 
She text me asking for a quote to keep her going. 
I made her a unique frame, with hidden meaning behind it. 

"Notice the colored pencils on the frame. 
They are all different. 
Different colors. 
Different brands. 
Some are sharp.
Some are dull. 
Some are round.
Some are square. 

The pencils are your kids. 
You are the pencil sharpener. 

Sometimes, it takes more than one twist/turn to sharpen a pencil.
But eventually, you get the pencil to write. 

Keep twisting. 
Keep turning. 
Because listen to me, 
'You ARE eminently qualified to do this!'
I believe in you."
