
Week 3 - December 5th 

Surprising: ESA Sister 
Destination: Valparasio, IN
Content(s): "Every Day Counts" Quote Book

This past summer, I went to Ikea and I fell in love with.....a book! Did you even know they sold books at Ikea? They sure do! They're what I like to call "coffee table books." It was seriously perfect timing because it gave me simple reminders to slow down and enjoy life, each and every day. 

I began posting the quotes from the "Every Day Counts" book on Instagram, and one of my sisters reached out to me and said she needed to get her hand on these quotes. She wanted to hang them in her house! So, I packed the book in a bubble wrapped envelope and sent it her way!

In her surprise package, I included 7 stamped post cards and challenged her to write each of the daily quotes (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.) inside, and then send them to people she loves!

You can do it, too! Remind the world to SLOW DOWN and make the most of everyday. 
