
Week 49 - October 24th

Surprising: My Digital Publishing College Professor!
Destination: Muncie, IN
Content(s): A Photo from the Last Day of Class!

Have you ever thad those professors, that are genuinely there to help you, each step along the way? Look no further, because here he is! In this photo! 

He lives in Michigan...but commutes to Ball State to teach! And not only that, but he would be there in the classroom in the AM....and the lab in the PM (yes, after 5PM)....I'm not really sure when I didn't see him on-campus. 

The best part about his classes is that he applied everything we learned to the REAL world. We would take off-campus field trips, to see what we were learning in-action. From a label printing shop, to a t-shirt company, and the like. And then we would come back and implement these ideals. Making our very OWN packaging, t-shirts and more. 

For our final, instead of taking a "written test," we kept learning new things! We made STICKERS on the laser. I decided, since I would be graduating the following weekend, Grad Cap "Thank You" stickers were appropriate. 

It was a bittersweet moment. That last day of class. But one I will always, remember! 

Thanks for all you do for your students! It means the world, how selfless and caring you are. 
