I had a big wakeup call recently.

I’m not sure if it was the passing of my Grandma or a conversation I had with my sister or filling out my Start Today Journal every day. Honestly, it’s probably been a combination of all of those things and then some.

The point being:


I get it. It sounds cliché. But let me break it down for you a little further:

A life you love is NOT…

A life to impress other people.
A life you think you should be living.
A life doing things that makes everyone else happy. Everyone but you.
A life of waiting for the weekend or your next vacation to escape your reality.
A life where you feel stuck.

A life you love…

Is looking forward to the day ahead because you know there’s magical moments to be found. It’s springing out of bed early to get your morning moving. It’s being fully present in each part of your day. It’s finding joy. It’s being grateful for what you have. It’s feeling truly happy because you are doing things you enjoy. It’s looking back on life, and having no regrets, because you lived your life to the fullest. Every. Single. Day.


Designed by: Erin Noga

Designed by: Erin Noga


  • Jot down the things that bring you joy.
    Ask yourself: What are the things that make me happy?

For example, my list looks like this:

  • Watching the sunrise / sunset

  • Swinging in the hammock

  • Going on adventures — especially water activities in the summer!

  • Taking Manny on walks

  • Connecting with others

  • Playing music

  • Taking photos (of everything)

  • Being creative

  • Storytelling

  • Working toward my goals

If you are having trouble coming up with a list, I would recommend creating a Vision Book (or a Vision Board). This will help you VISUALIZE those things. When you flip through magazines and find something that warms your heart, that’s your HAPPY PLACE. Cut that out and paste it into your life!

But remember: Don’t put things on YOUR list just because you saw someone else doing XYZ and THINK those things are a “good idea”. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is you!


When is the last time you said NO?
Here’s a trick: If it’s not a HELL YES then it’s a no.

  • STOP doing things that don’t bring you joy.
    Ask yourself: What don’t I like doing but I’m doing anyhow?

For example, here’s some things I’ve had to re-evaluate in my life:

  • Running Streak
    (I like running but looking back, FORCING my self to run EVERY DAY was not the best practice for my health. Sure, it was great for my physical health. It also taught me discipline and built my endurance. But for my mental health? It made me feel like I was forced to do something that some days, I didn’t want to do. Some days I just wanted to do Zumba in my living room, but felt like I couldn’t because I committed to a #RunningStreak. This year, though, I shifted my mindset from a streak to simply: DO EXERCISE YOU ENJOY. It’s been SUCH a game changer)

  • Cleaning
    (OK, so I actually like cleaning because it de-stresses me and a clean house makes me feel good. But when I look at how my time is best spent, it’s not cleaning. I’ve learned to BLESS THE MESS. I keep the house picked up, but there’s definitely dust bunnies up in here. The floor could be swept more often. And the toilets cleaned more. One day, I’m going to hire someone to come and deep clean the house once or twice a month. But until then, deep cleaning isn’t high up on my priority list. And that’s okay!)

  • Dieting
    (I HATE counting calories. I HATE writing down everything I ate. I HATE tracking how much water I drank. It’s not for me. What is for me though, is learning what foods fuel my body. It’s actually eating those foods. It’s allowing myself to have queso or ice cream when I truly want it. It’s called Food Freedom. I will never do another diet again. I will, however, keep evaluating the foods I eat and how my body responds to them. I like it. It works for me. Do the things that work for you!)

  • Drinking
    (I’m not opposed to drinking. I don’t have a problem with people who do. But I’ve cut back the alcohol I consume. Not that it was a ton before, but I have realized the effects it was having on my body. The brain fog. Being hungover. Having one drink and then being forced with the decision: Am I going to have another? Drinking is fine and I’ll still enjoy an adult beverage or two from time to time, but only if I truly want it. It’s not an automatic “Wine Wednesday” or “I NEED a drink after the day I had.”)

  • Free Time
    (In my free time, I’ve learned I love being at home. After years of being on the go all the time, I’ve grown to really appreciate my backyard, swinging in the hammock and reading a good book. Sometimes, I’ll get invited to do things or I’ll be asked to help with something. I ask myself if it’s something I really want to do and then look at my week. Sometimes, I go. But sometimes, I say no. It’s nothing against the person. I just know my I need my “me time” in my happy place).

Note: You can be polite by declining. I’ve had a couple people reach out to me recently about various projects and opportunities or trips, and I thanked them for thinking of me but ultimately had to say “No” because I knew it wasn’t a HELL YES.

If you’re struggling with this concept, know this:
It’s NOT selfish to make yourself a priority. You’ve got to fill your cup up first in order to overflow into others.


Now that you have your list, it’s time to look at your calendar. What’s on it?

  • Do you have your ME TIME built in?

  • Are you filling your schedule with things OTHER people want you to do?

The best thing you can do for yourself is carve out AT LEAST one hour each day to focus on YOU. If you can give yourself more than one hour, great! During this time, you can do WHATEVER it is that brings you joy.

I have a quote in my office that says, “Do one thing every day that makes your heart sing.”
What is that thing for you?! (Hint: Look back at #1)

What’s on your calendar that YOU didn’t place on there? What’s on there that’s someone else’s agenda?

If you don’t ENJOY doing it, stop doing it! This is your life. You are an adult. You can make decisions for yourself! You get to decide! Life is WAY too short to be doing things that don’t add value to your life.

Designed by: Erin Noga

Designed by: Erin Noga


Planning only gets you so far! You can PLAN all day. You can come up with the BEST PLAN EVER.
But if you don’t put it into action, you’re going to get no where.

For instance…

  • Meal planning + prepping on the weekend followed by a week of take out / going out to eat.

  • Buying gym clothes but not going to the gym.

  • Talking about a dream vacation but never taking the steps to book your trip.

  • Dreaming up a business you want to start but letting that idea sit in your head.

  • Wanting to write a book but not getting the words to paper.

You don’t have to do everything at once! In fact, you shouldn’t.

Start with ONE thing on your list.
Start slow!
One foot in front of the other.
One day at a time.

Before you know it, those baby steps will turn into miles and you’ll be running toward your goals!


Once you begin taking action, promise me this. Promise me you will GO ALL IN.

At TribeHer a couple weeks ago, the question was asked: When do you feel most ALIVE?

I thought on it for a hot minute and then responded: I feel most alive when I am fully present in each moment.

Let me explain:
You’re at work? Focus on work.
You’re working out? Break a sweat!
You’re at church? Stop thinking about everything you have to do this week.
You’re with your friends? Get off your phone.

To get the MOST out of the life you are living, you’ve got to eliminate the distractions that are surrounding you. You’ve got to focus on the thing you working toward, in the present moment. Go. All. In.


Quit hitting the snooze button.

Wake up and let’s get moving!


Let’s goooooooo!