
Lady Bug.jpg


I found this lovely lady bug kindness rock while on an afternoon walk with Manny. It brought me so much joy! Almost instantly, I knew I wanted to re-hide it for someone else to find. Then I thought, I want to paint more rocks to sprinkle around town! And then I wondered, what if I make this bigger than myself? Before you knew it, I was hosting a kindness rock paint party at my house! People from all walks of life got together to create beautiful masterpieces + spread more kindness. The rocks are fantastic, but the best part? The community behind the painted rocks <3

LONNNNNG story explained!

If my sister didn’t text me on May 18th, we may not have made plans to visit Dad for Father’s Day. If we didn’t travel together, I wouldn’t have picked her up in Hamilton. If I didn’t go to Ohio, I wouldn’t have stopped by The Studio to see my Mom while I was in town. If I didn’t visit my Mom, I may not have invited her to Indy the following weekend to have a girl’s weekend. If she didn’t come to Indy, we wouldn’t have gone swimming at Splash Island. If it wasn’t so crowded, I wouldn’t have noticed the trail near the overflow lot. If I didn’t take Manny to explore that trail the following weekend, I would have never found the lady bug kindness rock. If I didn’t find that rock, I wouldn’t have had the idea to start my own kindness rock party. If didn’t have a paint party, I wouldn’t be sitting here today thinking about the amazing community that’s being built on love, rocks and kindness. 

People from all different walks of life got together in my little backyard. We painted many beautiful masterpieces, which I’m SO EXCITED to hide for other people to find. But more than that, we jammed to some music, the kiddos played with the doodle, snacks were eaten, stories were shared, we giggled, we laughed...SO MUCH, we felt a sense of belonging and togetherness. It was the most INCREDIBLE feeling. I mean, that’s what we all want, right? A place where we belong? It’s WILD to me how everything builds on top of another. You make 35,000 choices EVERY DAY. Somehow, all those decisions link together to a much bigger picture than you could have ever realized.

And that my friends, is the full story behind how the #KindnessRocks Paint Party came to fruition!

Where do we go from here? Great question!

  1. PAINT more rocks — Come to the next paint party! Because one just wasn’t enough :)

  2. HIDE the rocks — To make more people’s days!

  3. Use + Follow our HASHTAG — A way to stay connected with our masterpieces — to see who finds them and where they end up next!

1. PAINT more Rocks

After I hosted the first #KindnessRocks paint party, I realized one party wasn’t enough.

We had SUCH a fun timeI The painting was super relaxing! The group of people coming together was the best! The energy in the air was simply unexplainable!

Plus, I had a several people tell me they wish they could have made the last party because they had prior commitments. Sooooo….I decided let’s have another paint party!

Mark your calendar! The next paint party is in exactly ONE week!
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019 from 6-9PM (Stop by anytime!)

Want more details?! Click here for more information!

If you can’t make the party but still would like to participate, I’ve included kindness rock painting instructions below! It’s super duper EASY. You could even host your own paint party if you would like! (Just make sure to invite me 😉)


2. HIDE the Rocks!

After the first paint party, I had a friend on Instagram send me a message. She told me she wasn’t able to make the party but would love to help hide some of the rocks if I needed some help. YES. YES. YES! You see, Sarah was a friend from Instagram, but we hadn’t met in person before. This was the perfect opportunity to hang out, share stories and spread kindness within our community! We went to the Farmer’s Market and had a BLAST.

When you’re hiding your rocks, here’s some tips:

  • Go solo or bring a friend!

    • Going solo can be nice because you’re on your own agenda!

    • Having a buddy makes things twice as fun!

  • Get creative with your hiding spots!

    • Find colors that match your rock
      (Ex: We hid a pink rock on a pink megaphone on a playground)
      (Ex: We hid a rainbow rock on top of a giant rock the night the sky was painted in similar colors)

    • Look for places that are fitting to your rock
      (Ex: We hid a strawberry rock on a Farmer’s Market sign)
      (Ex: We hid a Tribe rock outside of the AMC theatre where Tribe has church)

    • Hide high and low!
      (Ex: I hid a Dream BIG rock under a TALL sunflower. Fitting, eh?)
      (Ex: We hid a tiny turtle rock on a see saw for a kiddo to see at eye hight when playing on the playground)

  • Have FUN! 😁

    • After all, that’s what it’s all about!

If you need some inspiration on hiding spots, check out the pictures below!

3. Use + Follow our HASHTAG!

Did you know that if someone uses a hashtag on social media, you can easily find that content by searching the hashtag? So if someone finds your rock and uses the hashtag in their social media post, you could see whose day you made and where your rock has traveled! If you’d like to follow along your rock’s journey, make sure to include our hashtag on your rock before you hide it :)

Which you’re probably wondering….What IS the hashtag?!?! Another great question! Before the 2nd paint party next Wednesday, I’ll be collecting hashtag ideas so we can VOTE on our favorite one to use. (Don’t worry, I’ll add the WINNING HASTAG to this post so you know was it is!)

Here’s some of IDEAS so far:

  • #KindnessRocksIndy

  • #IndyKindnessRocks

  • #JustBeKindIndy

  • #JustBeKindRocks

  • #RockOnIndy

  • #RockArtIndy

  • #IndyRocks

  • #FindMeHideMe

Do you have a hashtag idea?!? Leave a comment below! Keep in mind we want to try to use something that hasn’t been used a TON already, so it’s much easier to follow our rocks :)

UPDATE: The winning hashtag is #KindnessRocksIndy


Before you go, Remember….

Image Credit: Katrina Mayer

Image Credit: Katrina Mayer