Mid-Year GOAL Check-In


It’s June (almost July), which means we are more than 1/2 way through with the year!

This past weekend, I completed a mid-year review of the goals I set in January. This helped me to see where I’m currently at, where I’ve been and what I need to do over the next six months to complete them.

I also tweaked some of my goals. Because let’s be real — things change over time! What you planned at the beginning of the year may not be where you are currently headed. And that’s OK!

You’re not a failure for reworking your goals.
You’re successful because you do! 

Rachel Hollis gave me the idea of a Mid-Year GOAL Check-In and I think it’s brilliant. I plan to do this again every year — it has been SUPER helpful.

Here’s what I found:

Goal 1: I paid off Pearl! (Bonus: I tackled my FedLoans)


Where I started: $6,716.91
Where I’m at: $3,687.56

January - Paid $400
February - Paid $1200
March - Paid $700
April - Paid $550
May - Paid NONE
June - Paid $300

Where I’m going:
To get this loan paid off early!!!!

It’s taken me a bit longer than expected. I took a HUGEEE road trip across the country ($1,400) and right before I did that, I fixed the air compressor in my car ($900).

I’ve also made an investment to go to the RISE Business conference in November (SO EXCITED!)— spending ($330) on a ticket + ($300) on an AirBnb for 4 nights. Soon, I’m applying for a membership at United House Publishing to get my book published ($97 / month).

Do I regret any of these decisions? No. Some were fun. Some were needed. Others were investments in myself.

Do I realize because I made these choices, it will take longer to pay Pearl off? Yes, which is the 2nd price I have to pay (in addition to the cost of the opportunity). Tough reality.

I also haven’t been as strict with my spending as I was last year. But I’m not giving up!!! It’s time to get gazelle intense again. It’s time to say ‘no’ to things now so later I can say ‘yes’. The tough part is knowing there are things I want to do, but I need to remember that sacrificing now means I can get to enjoy those things quicker later down the road.

No BS. Here’s how I’ll achieve this:

  • Tighten up the ropes on my budget. Which translates to…Monthly budget meetings BEFORE the month begins. Planning AHEAD for the next month. NOT entering expenses into EveryDollar AFTER spending the money and then “figuring out the math” LATER.

    “Children do what feels good. Adults devise a plan and follow it.” -Dave Ramsey

  • Use cash envelopes again. When the money is gone, no more spending until next month!

  • Evaluate my spending on groceries. I know I spend WAY too much $$$ here. See where I can cut back and / or any habits I can change.

Goal 2: I documented 2019 with 1SE (the “one second everyday” app).


Where I started:
With creating my Vision Book! This chapter the book is by far the LONGEST. 37 pages full of magazine clippings with how I thought the year would unfold. It’s been so cool to go through and see things I’ve wanted to do become a reality. It’s also fun to flip through when I’m not sure what to do, because there’s plenty of inspiration inside.

Where I’m at:
Doing this project really makes me appreciate each day. There’s magical moments to be found in everyday life!

We are going strong on the video recordings! I don’t think I’ve missed a day yet (if I did, Live Photos have been a life saver). Plus, many days have TWO videos (SO many good times). Check out the monthly #1SE videos I’ve created so far!

Two huge benefits from #1SE:
1. I don’t feel like I have to post EVERYTHING that happens to Facebook / Instagram — because it’s documented within the video!
2. It’s really helping me remember the year. It’s amazing much one second can jog your memory!

Where I’m going:
There’s 6 months (well, technically only 5ish now) to go before we put ALL the monthly videos together to make our 2019 video!

Here are some things I will make happen (or would like to make happen) before 2020 makes its appearance:

  • Take Manny to the beach (Indiana Dunes)

  • See live music at the Rathskeller

  • Check out the City Market (Downtown Indy)

  • Night drive to nowhere

  • Take a hike in Brown County

  • Camping at Red River Gorge (With Erin!)

  • POSSIBLY: Go to Holiday World

  • Paint a new piece at The Studio

  • 2nd Annual FL trip with Justin to watch the Gators play!

  • Look into volunteer opportunities at the Miracle Movers softball field (September?!?)

  • Attend the Albuquerque International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

  • Finish my college t-shirt quilt (in memory of Grandma)

  • “Make your home a Nest home”

  • Manny gets a brother!?!??!

  • Engagement?!?!?

Goal 3: I found #FoodFreedomForever.


Where I started:
In 2018, I did my first and second rounds of Whole30 and learned a TON.

In 2019, I wanted to slowly figure out my Food Freedom Forever. I say “slowly” because all good things take time! Quick fixes aren’t usually the answer.

At the beginning of the year, Justin surprised me! He wanted to take on the Whole30. Coming right off the holidays, I knew it was good for me, too. We did a round in January and felt really good! But went back to some old habits the next few months. In April-May, we began another round — a Whole45 (for me) and a Whole60 (for him).

Where we are at:
It’s crazy to say this — but Justin and I are actually on the same page about the foods we bring into the house! We’ve found quick, easy meals we both love that are healthy for us. (THANK YOU AIR FRYER). It’s pretty wild considering where we were a year or two ago, but I’m super stoked about it. (We consume all the apples, peppers, Stok + Starbucks black coffee, chicken wings, burgers, potatoes and hot sauce around here).

The goal of the Whole30 is NOT to be on it for your entire life. I am honestly kinda excited to be OFF the Whole30 so I can find my #FoodFreedomForever. I’ve been reading the book “Food Freedom Forever” by Melissa (Hartwig) Urban and my mind is finally starting to comprehend this whole concept of #FoodFreedom. I do NOT plan to do another Whole30 this year. My goal is to continue to evaluate foods as I eat them, and figure out what foods ARE and are NOT “worth it”.

What’s next:

  • Ask myself the following questions with everything I eat:

    • Are you actually hungry?

    • Do you really want to eat this?

    • Is it worth it?

  • Create a Food log (at least for now) to document “Worth it” and “Not Worth it” foods

  • Remind myself: You don’t have to indulge just because it’s a special occasion.

    ”You are an adult with a car, money and free will. You can buy a cupcake, bottle of wine or cheesecake any time you want, always and forever. You don’t have to wait for your birthday or special occasion, because your true enjoyment of the experience makes it special. But if the special day rolls around and in that moment, you decide you’re just as happy sticking to a healthy template and skipping all desserts or drinks, you should do that.” (Pg. 140 of #FFF)

Goal 4: I spent more time with Him <3


Where I started:
In 2018, I found a church I call home: TRIBE

In 2019, I wanted to figure out what faith actually meant. “Going to church” was a good start, but it wasn’t good enough for me. I wanted to truly feel connected to Him whenever + wherever I was. Not only on Sundays.

Where I’m at:
I’ve joined two Tribe groups since the beginning of the year. The first was Financial Peace University (the program is over now, but we still connect and check-in from time to time). The second is a women’s group called TribeHer — we currently meet every other Wednesday. I love both of these groups because of the people. Each group has it’s own way of sharing stories of what He is doing in our lives <3

I also began serving on the Welcome Team. It’s been a great way to give my time and to meet + greet, new + old faces who come to Tribe.

Where I’m going:
Like I said in the beginning, my goal is to spend more time with Him. There’s a couple things I want to focus on the second half of the year to do this!

  • Read the Bible

    • The Gospel of John

    • Romans

    • Proverbs

  • Create a prayer journal + Learn how I like to pray

  • Work on tithing

  • Help plan Tribe Women’s retreat for October

  • Also! The book publishing company I am applying for a membership at is a Christain based company. The membership includes weekly spiritual encouragement and one-on-one training with a writing + spiritual coach. I think this will be a WONDERFUL gift as I navigate my faith!

Goal 5: I earned $10,000 in additional income.


Where I started: $0

Where I’m at: $0 — other than the couple hundred bucks I made from Lyft the first few months of the year

Where I’m going:
OK, so the $10K was definitely an ambitious goal. The whole point of this goal was for me to figure out something else I could do (in addition to my current job) to make additional income.

For two reasons:

  1. I have debt I’d like to pay off as FAST as possible.

  2. I have dream of running a thriving company that I built from the ground up.

In the past, many of my “ passion projects” were great hobbies. But hobbies are called hobbies for a reason. They do not make money!

Signing up to attend RISE Business in November has lit a fire within me! It’s making me think of ALL the possibilities of what lies ahead in the future. I’m really trying to dig deep and discover what “side hustle” I can build. We’ll see where it goes from here!

I was recently listening to Melissa Urban’s podcast “Do the Thing” — conversation with Chris Guillebeau — and they gave tips on figuring out what side hustle is best for you:

  1. Evaluate your SKILLS. If you have trouble identifying them yourself, ask those around you what you are good at.

  2. If you had to make $300-500 in the next 2 weeks, what would you do??

That’s what’s next for me:

  • Talking to my close friends + family members about what I’m good at and then EVALUATING my skills

  • Determine what my side hustle is and getting to work!
    (Remember: This is NOT a hobby. It’s a BUSINESS that MAKES MONEY)

Goal 6: I loved on others <3 like they have loved on me.


Where I’m at:
While I don’t think I haven’t loved on others, I do think I can put more love out into the world!

Every week, church ends with the quote, “Loved people love people” and it’s so true. I want to make other people feel loved and seen and connected.

Where I’m going:
Write out ideas on how to love on people + build them up! <3
Note: These are COMPLETELY FREE,

  • Pick up the phone and call loved ones more frequently

  • When you think something, say something!
    (Ex: you think someone’s dress is super cute, tell them! You think they are radiating happiness, say something! A single mama is doing her best carrying 3 children and their bags around the airport, let her know she’s a rockstar!)

  • Leave more comments / messages on other people’s social media accounts than you receive on your own.

Goal 7: I learned my Enneagram #.


Where I’m at:
I am just now starting to read the book “The Road to You”. I’m eager to learn more about each number and which one I am!

Where I’m going:

  • I hope learning my Enneagram # will help me know myself (and others) better

  • Reminder: Follow the Enneagram IG accounts Carrie recommended a couple weeks ago
    (Look at photo on phone)

Goal 8: I read 12 books.


What I’ve read:
1. Where the Crawdads Sing - Delia Owens
2. Girl, Stop Apologizing - Rachel Hollis (Audible)
3. Everybody, Always - Bob Goff
4. Becoming - Michelle Obama (Audible)
5. Wild - Cheryl Strayed
6. Mount Rushmore Q+A - Don “Nick” Clifford

What I’m CURRENTLY reading:
7. Food Freedom Forever - Melissa Hartwig
8. Dare to Lead - Brene Brown (Audible)
9. The Road to You - Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile

What I’m reading next:
10. High Performance Habits - Brenden Bruchard
11. Mere Christianity - CS Lewis
12. Dogs that Know when their Owner is Coming Home - Rupert Sheldrake
13. The Rent Collector - Camron Wright
14. To Shake the Sleeping Self - Jedidiah Jenkins
15. The Home Edit - Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin

  • Heck, we very may well pass 12 books for the year! I consider that a HUGE win! I’m starting to really love reading again.

  • For the books I want to read but do NOT already own, I’m going to see if my library offers them!!! That way I’m saving $$$ to help me with Goal #1.

  • Also! In my Vision Book, I Ieft a blank page to share “What book I loved most”. I’ll need to fill that out once I have all my books read and can evaluate which one is the Book of the Year in my book!

Goal 9: I did exercise I enjoy.


Where I’m at:
I will admit — exercise has NOT been a huge focus of mine this year (yet). However, I’m starting to make it a priority in my life once again! Wooooo!

Where I’m going:

  • Move my body 20-30 minutes each day!

  • Justin and I are running the St. Jude 5K in September!

  • 1 New Trail a Week (Use bullet journal to track)

IDEAS: Some my FAVORITE ways to move my body!

  • Walks with Manny

  • Hikes

  • Swimming

  • Play catch with Justin

  • Kayaking

  • Zumba

  • Dance like no one is watching :)

  • Lifting + core exercises in the garage gym

  • Bike rides around the neighborhood / parks

  • Exploring new places!

  • Running Streak (To build endurance for a 5K)

Now, let’s go do them!

Goal 10: I learned how to curl my hair.
Bonus: I figured out how to REALLY do my makeup.


Where I’m at:
I’ve been curling my hair with a curling wand!!! My co-worker Kailey gifted me a wand she doesn’t use (THANK YOU, GIRL!) The first time I used it, I was going to a wedding and thought I should switch it up with my hair. I had NO idea what I was doing…but I managed it to look halfway decent! I’ve used it a couple times since and it’s AMAZING. So easy to use!!!! Only takes minutes!!! It’s only more curls from here on out!

Where I’m going:
For my birthday, my best friend Jessie from college gave me a bunch of “good” makeup! There were things I hadn’t used before. It’s nice to have some “new to me” makeup that I don’t typically wear to try out!

Once I pay off my car, I’m going to “splurge” just a little and buy some GOOD FOR ME + CLEAN + NON-TOXIC makeup for my skin. We’ll see what I find and use!

(A couple blog posts I plan on reading before diving in: Jenna Kutcher’s Top-Picks for All-Natural, Non-Toxic Makeup and Melissa’s Food Freedom, Breaking Up with my Makeup)

PLUS…my current makeup is almost OUT of like everything. Which should motivate me to get this car paid off faster, right? ;)

Goal 11: I created a bullet journal


Where I started:
Originally, I thought I wanted to create a bullet journal. However, the journal I ended up creating was my Vision Book! I do have some pages throughout my Vision Book with inserts of bullet journal pages I can fill in. I definitely need to take advantage of those!

But in terms of creating an entire new journal, it’s not going to happen this year. Justin did buy me a bullet journal for my birthday, and one year I will use it! For now though, I don’t need another journal to write in. There’s too much going on as it is.

Where I’m going:
Removing this goal from my list. However, there are a few bullet journal sections I placed in my Vision Book I will be filling out!

Some ideas on what I’ll use those pages for:

  • Exercise Tracker

  • Food Freedom Tracker

  • 1 New Hike a Week

  • Upcoming books to read

Goal 12: I launched “A Day in the Life”


Where I’m at:
When I made this goal, I didn’t know what “A Day in the Life” would look like. Would it be a blog? A Vlog on YouTube? A Book? Who the heck knew! I began working and the pieces of the puzzle came together — I rebranded my blog “Oh, Happy Day” to fit this new theme. I have been posting regularly on here since April (with the exception of a couple weeks I took off during vacation).

Where I’m going:
This is a great question. I have big ideas for “A Day in the Life”, but I need to get these thoughts out of my head and see where they go from here!

Next Steps:

  • Have a brainstorm day where I write out ALL my ideas!

  • Work with United House to publish my book:
    “365: You Live and You Learn. Every. Single. Day.”

    (Note: Check out Carlos Whitaker’s recommendation on using the Paper App on Mac for book writing)

Whew! That was a lot! But SO incredibly helpful. I’ll be printing this off and putting with my goals notebook so I can easily reference the action items I need to complete, to accomplish the goals I have set!

Let’s gooooooooo!