For the first time since I began my first full-time job out of college (three full-years ago, going on four), I did a thing. I took my first full-week vacation. I set an "out-of-office" for the first time since I started (isn't that crazy?!) and completely unplugged from my computer / work life / emails.

In the past when I've taken time off, it's typically been for a long weekend. Or when I have my computer on-hand for anything that comes up. Not this time, folks! I took an entire week off and have no intention to "work" until next week when I return.

The funny part? I'm not even taking a trip! Hence the word, "Staycation." I split my Staycation into two... spending half of it in my hometown, Hamilton, Ohio. And the other half in my new hometown, Plainfield, IN. 

I'm on Day 5 of my 8-Day Staycation and y'all, this week has been so REFRESHING. It's given me the chance to spend quality time with family and friends that I don't get to see often. It's given me the opportunity to evaluate my life as it stands, and where I want to take it in the future. It's allowed me creative space to work on crafty things and brainstorm new ideas for future projects. I've been able to do many things that I have wanted to for years (start a t-shirt quilt, donate blood, research Doctors / Dentists in the area, buy a dresser). 

And the other thing I've start this "Coffee Chat" section of my blog back up! It's been dormant for awhile, because when I was writing a chapter a day a year for my book "365" that took precedent. But by golly, how good it feels to get back in my little nook of the Internet and just type freely. Write what's on my mind. Chat with y'all. 

I read an article the other day about a lady emailed her team letting them know she was taking a couple days off to focus on her mental health. The CEO applauded her for doing so and thanked her for the reminder of the importance of using sick days for mental health. 

In a way, that's what I feel this Staycation is doing for me. It's letting me rest, relax and regroup. I travel enough with my company, I knew another trip wasn't necessary. Having time to focus on myself, though, was. 

This time off has been rejuvenating and refreshing. And the best part? There's still 3 days left of it! I'm off to make the most of it. 

Here we are! The last day of Staycation. Looking back at the week, I can't believe how good this was for me in so many aspects of life. I wanted to make a list of everything I did, so I and look back and remember it!

-Oil change (2 hours too long)
-Drive home / Power lines down / Hot Head closed (3 hours too long) 
-Painted at The Studio with Mom :) 

-Drinks with Erin at Cabana on the River
-Took a well-deserved nap after waking up at 4:45AM for my golf event
-Explored Bargain Hunt...bought 5 pieces of clothing for just $24!
-Went to Kroger to buy a couple things for meals / snacks for the week (6-Week Challenge Friendly) 

-5 Years with J!
-Went to G's to clean (Main Focus: Entryway, Found 868 cans of Diet Pepsi + 12 cans of Diet 7-Up)
-Chats I want to always remember: Their 1st table, driving around to take down circus posters, barn wood from 3 different barns in their entry way / "barn room" 
-Went antiquing! Bought travel agents and the perfect NEW (used) DRESSER!!!!!! Oh, and corn hole bags!

-E and I both tackled cleaning the G's house today! We did WORK (Living Room, Dining Room, Bathroom, Vacuumed sewing room, cleaned windows). 
-Took another lovely nap
-Cleaned Mom's garage
-2 buckets of margaritas and long night chats with Alex! 

-Last Day at the Rents! Got Grandma's sewing room how she wanted. Gma told me what I needed to know to get started on my college t-shirt quilt. 
-Grandpa mentioned working back in the shop again when the weather cools down. I hope he does <3
-Stopped across the road to see Aunt Ruth and get an update about Uncle Frank (hospital)
-Wendy's Taco Salad for Lunch before helping Mom with her classroom
-Visited with Myrl and Jack! Brought home J's t-shirt quilt from his old baseball t's!
-El's with the girls! Wings was too busy. Then to Patty's to drink wine (just a glass) before hitting the road home! 
-Got home at 11PM. Unloaded dresser. Re-arranged room to make everything fit :) 

-Slept in :)
-Started reading "7" by Jen Hatmaker (SOOOO good) 
-"Shopped around" for a Dr. Called them. Can't get in until October. Booo...
-Finally decided to go to Urgent Care to see my 2 bug bites ($75 and 40 antibiotic pills later...)
-Bought some groceries at Kroga while waiting for my prescription
-Went to the Plainfield Farmer's Market (Got Manny a too-big TMNT bandana) 
-Filled my dresser!
-Organized closet by what does and does not fit. All I've got to holy smokes. Reality check.
-Sorted through what t-shirts I want going on my college t-shirt quilt
-Read more before bed!  

-Put on actual clothes today that weren't sweatpants
-Met Kristin from Instagram at The Thirsty Scholar! Had tea + conversation for 2.5 hours!!! :D
-Went to a couple antique shops. Nothing I "needed" ;) 
-Sunflowers :) 
-Tried Mimi's Meatballs to get the scoop! Followed with some FroYo on Mass Ave
-Caught a PIKACHU with Ash's Hat! And finally got a Raichu!
-Mail Day! 2 New Book arrived: Cultivate and Orange Tangerines
-Cut out 12x12 inch squares for my t-shirt quilt (and some other odd sized ones)
-Created a Daily / Weekly checklist to remind me what I need to get done every day / week!
-Wrote this blog post about my Staycation
-Read more of 7! 

-Called Urgent Care back because my leg seemed to be getting worse. They advised me I should go to the ER. I did not go to the ER.
-Found out I couldn't donate blood on Saturday like planned because I'm on antibiotics :( 
-Planned a date night for when J gets back in town! Talked about the zoo, movies, arcade bar but landed on the Hendrick's County Fair since it's this coming week. Taking the drone with us on Monday! 
-Cut out more shirts!
-Found a Dentist in Plainfield! Make an appointment for August 1st
-Went to Meijer for several items (paper, ant traps, straws, more hydrocortisone cream, floss pickers) 
-Got lunch at McCallister's....can't forget the tea! 
-Filled out a rebate for Manny's latest dog leash (Getting $5 back from a $5.99 leash....they basically paid me to buy the leash) 
-Talked on the phone with my bestie hour hours
-Took down my bulletin board
-Spent hours making my new, forever favorite book "When You Need It"

-Started adding the backing to my t-shirts (cut / press it on with an iron)
-Cleaned out the fridge / meal prepped for the week (Smoothies, spaghetti squash, etc.) 
-Made Week 28 of #ARecipeAWeek = Buffalo Cauliflower Bites (They really DO taste like chicken)
-Took Manny to get ice cream at Frost Bite! New (to us) ice cream shop in Avon
-Discovered the COOLEST park that had  a gorgeous event space nestled in the back of it
-Read all 235 pages of my "When You Need It" book....waterfalls by the end of it!

-Laundry / Dishes / Picked up house
-Planned out Cedar Point and Vegas Trip
-Caught up on most of my emails (to send responses in the AM)...left some for tomorrow ;) 
-Went to Mc D's to get a coke for the Pulled Pork crock pot recipe
-Joanne's to get more Pellon for the back of the shirts!
-Read more before bed :) 

What. A. Week!
An amazing week, at that!