
And then I realized, adventures are the best way to learn.

25 Things To-Do Before the BIG 25. 

Want to help me cross something off the list?  Reach out! 

  1. Start and maintain a blog.

  2. Complete Project #52PickMeUp. (52 packages/letters, 52 weeks)

  3. "Refresh" a piece of furniture.

  4. Get that passport stamped!

  5. Develop a healthy lifestyle, by exercising and eating right.

  6. Do 24 Random Acts of Kindness on my 24th Birthday (1 ROAK per hour)

  7. Spend a weekend with NO technology.

  8. Run a 1/2 Marathon.

  9. Visit all 50 States and make a US Map Photo Collage.

  10. Pay it forward.

  11. Go zip lining.

  12. Save $5,000.

  13. Make a t-shirt quilt from college tees.

  14. Donate blood, without passing out.

  15. Take a road trip out West.

  16. "Sponsor-A-Family" for Christmas.

  17. Make 3 new friends (1 per year). [2014, 2015, 2016]

  18. Volunteer!

  19. Create my own "Happiness Project," after finishing the book. [365]

  20. Soar miles high in the sky, in a Hot Air Balloon.

  21. Celebrate birthdays!

  22. Take a class at a local art center.

  23. Catch up with an old friend I haven't talked to in years.

  24. Get a library card and use the heck out of it.

  25. Do 25 days of something!