Don't Sweat the "Burnt" Stuff!

Ask yourself this question: ‘Will this matter a year from now?’
— Richard Carlson

If the answer is "No," then simply don't let it bother you. 

I know! Sometimes it can be a lot harder, said, than done. But...if you follow this simple life advice, you'll slowly wind up becoming a happier person without even realizing it! 

Perfect Example:
Last Tuesday, my roommate came home rather "late" from work, with her brand new "do" (she got her 'hair did' after work and oh does it look fabulous on her!). Anyways, before I get too off topic, she mentioned earlier that morning that we should make spaghetti for dinner. She had all the ingredients for the pasta. And I was going to the store after work, and had planned to pick up a head of lettuce so we could have fresh salads with our meals. 

Well, she ended up getting home after 8PM, and I actually didn't do my grocery shopping until later that night because I had a MASSIVE headache at the office (which I rarely get), so I came home early from work and tried to sleep it off. 

By the time we were both home at the same time, one thing was for certain, we were not making spaghetti. Which was completely fine! I ate some cottage cheese and an apple with peanut butter for my din din, since it was already so late. And she was making her famous "cheese and rice" dish to snack on. 

I distinctly remember her saying, "I should be a professional rice cooker. I make this so much, I could basically live off it!" And until 10 minutes later...that statement held pretty accurate.

We were chatting at the dining room table, when we smelled something burning. She went to check on her rice. And before we knew it, the smoke alarm started going off.  (Our neighbors HAVE GOT to have grown accustomed to that noise, and probably think we will NEVER make good house wives.) Needless to say, the wrong burner got turned on and she actually was cooking my leftover eggs that were in another the pan from that morning. Not only were the eggs fried, but so was my brand new Paula Dean skillet that I spent $100+ on (for the set) a few months back.

My initial thought: "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!" But I didn't have to say it; she actually said it for me. Hahah. Before I lost my cool, I took a good 15 seconds to think about what had just happened as I grabbed the sponge and started to scrub the pan with soap and warm water (which doesn't really help, if you were wondering!). 

My after thought: It's really not a big deal. Worst comes to worst, I can get a new pan! Me yelling at her won't change the fact that the pan is a tad crispy. The only thing it's going to do is put bad vibes throughout the room. 

So guess what? I let it go! And how good did it feel.

I still use the pan. It still works! (Except when I make omelets...or it might just be the cook...because my omelets look more like scrambled eggs than a stuffed egg, haha). And now, my brown tinted pan, has a story behind it. All the better!

Next time you want to raise your voice, next time you get angry at a situation, simply take 15 seconds to yourself. Ask yourself the question... "Will this matter a year from now?"

If the answer is no, take advice from the famous Frozen song and just, let it go! You'll be happier because of it, and so will your friends and family that surround you. 

Oh, Happy Day!