A Case of the Mondays

Today was one of those days. 
You know, those days where you wake up to your alarm "screaming."
All you really want to do is roll over, and go back to bed. 

But you get your feet out from the covers. 
You put them on the ground.
You know there's a lot to get done!

The commute to the office is longer than you'd like. 
It's rainy. It's gloomy. 
The radio is full of ads and talk shows. 
None of your favorite jams are playing. 

Monday means the world is back "at it." 
The emails keep "dinging." 
The phone is "off the hook." 
When you sit down, you feel overwhelmed.
Not really sure where to begin. 

You decide against making a "To-Do" list.
Because when you do, other things come up that take precedent. 
And then when you go to cross off "completed items", you feel even more unproductive. 
So you open your email, and just begin. One task at a time. 

You work until your computer is at 1%. 
And then you force yourself to leave the office, an hour after the "typical" 5PM departure.  
Because you would rather get ahead today, than be behind tomorrow. 
On your drive home, you start thinking of things you shouldn't do.
You shouldn't get fast food on your way home. 
You shouldn't take a nap when you walk in the door. 
You shouldn't skip your daily workout. 

But you do it anyway. 
When you wake up, it's 9PM. 
The day seems to be "wasted." 
You feel guilty for the things you've done. 
And the things you haven't done, today. 

You check your phone. 
Bad decision. 
There's more piled on. 
You have a mini-freak out session. 

You have 7 events this week + 9 next weekend.
You're going to be out-of-town for 5 days this week. And 4 next week. 
Travel days mean it's hard to get any work done. 
And that's when "your people" need you the most. 
You want to make sure everything goes seamlessly. 
That your i's are dotted and t's are crossed. 

You realize your house is a mess. 
There's a lingering smell. 
It needs a good cleaning. 
Especially because your Dad will be visiting on Sunday. 
And you want to impress him with your first "post-graduation" house. 
First impressions are everything. 

Remember that trip you're leaving for Wednesday?
You need to pack. 
You need to do laundry. 

Tomorrow is insane. 
You volunteer at 7AM.  
You have on-site meetings during the day. 
You meet with your trainer for a weekly workout session that evening. 
And after, is Euchre Tuesday. 
Remember all those people who are sending you items to upload?
You should probably do that, too. 

And don't forget about #52PickMeUp. 
Those are suppose to go out on Tuesday. 
And last week you got behind, so this week you need to play catch up. 
You need to make people's days. 
You need to finish your project that you've started. 
There's no giving in now. 

That's it!
"There's no giving in now."
You've worked so hard, to get to where you're at. 
So you're not going to give up.
You're not going to do it. 
Did you hear me?

It's Monday. 
You have "A Case of the Mondays."
You don't give in. 
You don't give up. 
You simply need to, "Get To It."

You get your feet out from the covers. 
For the 2nd time today. 

You begin cleaning your house.
Because you know that will de-stress you. 

You put a load of laundry in the washer.
And then transfer it to the dryer, so you can pack for your upcoming trip.

You pick 2 lucky individuals to send #52PickMeUp packages to this week.
And you prepare the lovely letters, so you can drop them off at the post office tomorrow afternoon. 

You decide to wake up early before you leave to volunteer in the AM. 
So you can respond to any emails that came in tonight. 

You know that "coffee chat" you haven't wrote in awhile? 
You do that, too. 

You see. 
Today has nothing on you. 
You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. 
You wouldn't be given so much dang responsibility, if you couldn't handle it. 

You got this! I believe in "you." 
After all, it's only "A Case of the Mondays."