Master Meal Planner + Grocery Store Shopper

Meals for Week.png

As many of you know, 2017 has been the year of #ARecipeAWeek. That means that each week for a year, I've been cooking a new dish! With that, I have learned to become a "Master" Meal Planner and Grocery Store Shopper.  

Wanna know the funny thing?
Up until this year, I had never sat down and made a list for the grocery store. I didn't know it was a "thing". I would literally show up at Kroger and buy whatever looked good to stock the fridge (and by golly, hopefully I had eaten a meal right before I went or I would buy every. single. thing.) Then, after ALL OF THAT time shopping and money spent, I would usually end up eating frozen pizza or tacos for dinner every night because the fresh food I purchased didn't have a plan. I would waste SO MUCH food because I would forget about it, it would spoil and then I would kick myself later because it went bad. 

Enter 2017. Times started to change. I learned about the whole concept of Meal Planning. I also learned the value of grocery shopping every week vs. whenever. To do all of this....I needed a LIST. I needed to PLAN it all out. 

So I made this handy, dandy tool I like to call my "Grocery List" (super fancy, I know). Haha.
Inside, you will find 3 different pages:

  1. Meals for the Week - where you write what you're making each day!

  2. Grocery List - where you write what you're buying for that week!

  3. All Meal Ideas - where you can keep track of all the meals you know how to make, so when you are stuck on ideas, you have a place to generate ideas!

This template works well for me! And it may just work well for you, too! I've had several people request a copy, so I thought I'd make a post to share it with y'all. 

If you use my grocery list, I can promise you this. You will have a plan for your meals so you will most likely eat healthier, not waste as much food, and don't have to think about "what's for dinner" each night. It's all laid out in front of you. Print it out and hang it on the fridge, so everyone else knows what's for dinner, too! 



  • Check out this "completed" version, if you need an example on how it works!

  • I would definitely recommend starting with the SCHEDULE column in the "Meals for the Week" tab BEFORE planning everything out. Especially if you have other people you are cooking for. Write down what's going on that week, so you know what meals would be best for each day.

    For me, I put J's work schedule (since it varies) so I know if he's working the day or night. This helps me because if he's working a late night, I make a simple meal. If he's home, we may grill out or make a "fancier" meal we have more time for. Or heck, we may have a Date Night and I write that on the schedule, too. "Out to Eat"

  • I personally like to plan meals EACH week! It's super simple to think ahead 7 days. When you try to plan for several weeks ahead, it can get a little intimidating and overwhelming.

  • Pick a day to plan + shop + prep and try to keep it a routine! For me, Sunday's are usually my day, unless of course I'm traveling and not home. Make it work for you!

  • On the Grocery List page, I estimate how much each item will cost so I have an idea of how much I will be spending when I go to the store. It's helpful for budgeting!

  • Usually I just plan out DINNERS on the "Meals for the Week" tab, but I do have a small box for notes where I can write down lunch / breakfast ideas. Hey, make it work for you! If you need to change it at all, go right ahead.

  • Any questions? Let a girl know!
    I hope you enjoy your new meal prep + grocery list!!!!