Week 45 :: Challah

-1 tsp. sugar
-1/2 cup warm water
-1 package yeast
-1/2 cup oil
-1/2 cup warm water
-1/4 cup sugar
-2 tsp. salt
-2 eggs
-Honey to taste
-3.5 to 4 cups flour
-1 egg beaten



1. Dissolve sugar in 1/2 cup warm water in a large mixing bowl, which has first been rinsed with hot water. Sprinkle yeast on top, stir to dissolve and let stand for 10 minutes. 

2. Combine oil, warm water, sugar, salt, eggs and half of the flour in another bowl. Beat well. Stir in remaining flour (and honey, if you wish!) Dough should be sticky. Cover and let rest for 10 min. 

3. Turn out onto a floured board and knead for 10 minutes, adding flour as needed. 

4. Put in a greased bowl. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubles (1.5 to 2 hours). Punch, down cover, let rise again until doubles, (30 min, if you have time). Add extra flour if dough is sticky. 

5. Divide into 3 equal parts. Shape into strands. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and braid loosely. Fasten ends securely. Brush with a beaten egg yolk and sprinkle with seeds. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, until golden brown. Make sure not to burn the bottom! 

Rating: 7/5


"Notes for Next Time":
Challah at your girl, this is the BEST bread! So sweet and fluffy. We actually did't cook it al the way. There were a couple parts that were more doughy, but those were my favorite part! Seriously, the best bread. Ever. And we had the best host, Tovi, who taught us how to make when we were in Houston for a work trip! Thank you, Tovi!!!! 

Recipe by: Tovi